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Scar -  a mark remaining after the healing of a wound, such as one caused by injury, illness, smallpox vaccination, surgery, pimples or accident happens. Beneath the skin is a fibrous connective tissue known as subcutaneous tissue, composed of cells called fibroblasts, which after injury are stimulated to grow into granulation tissue, knitting the wound together. Scar tissue is formed by dense masses of granulation tissue. It’s known as CICATRIX.

Fibrous tissue replacing normal tissues destroyed by injury or disease or divided after an incision; a mark remaining after the healing of a wound or other morbid process (by extension, any visible manifestation or an earlier event are known as SCAR.

Types of SCARS

There are several different types of scars including:

a). Keloid SCARS

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These scars are the result of an overly aggressive healing process. They extend beyond the original injury. Over time, a keloid scar may hamper movement. Treatments include surgery to remove the scar, steroid injections, or silicone sheets to flatten the scar. Smaller keloids can be treated using cryotherapy (freezing therapy using liquid nitrogen). You can also prevent keloid formation by using pressure treatment or gel pads with silicone when you are injured. Keloid scars are most common among people with dark skin.

b). Contracture SCARS

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If your skin has been burned, you may have a contracture scar. These scars tighten skin, which can impair your ability to move. Contracture scars may also go deeper, affecting muscles and nerves.

c). Hypertrophic SCARS

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These are raised, red scars that are similar to keloids but do not go beyond the boundary of the injury. Treatments include injections of steroids. To reduce inflammation or silicone sheets, which flatten the scar.

d). Acne SCARS

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If you’ve had severe acne, you probably have the scars to prove it. There are many types of acne scars, ranging from deep pits to scars that are angular or wavelike in appearance. Treatment options depend on the types of acne scars you have.

Method How to Reduce and Removed SCAR

Method 1 - Using Medical Treatments

1. Try dermabrasion

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Dermabrasion is a method of exfoliating the skin, using a rotating wire brush or diamond wheel, which removes the top layer of skin over and around the scar. In the weeks following the procedure, new skin will grow back, and the appearance of the scar will be greatly reduced. Dermabrasion is usually used for acne and other facial scars, through it can be performed on the legs by a qualified surgeon.

2). Get a chemical peel

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Chemical peels can be used to treat superficially scarring on the legs, and works particularly well for scars caused by hyperpigmentation. During a chemical peel, a dermatologist will apply a layer of acidic solution to the scarred skin and leave it on for approximately two minutes. You will experience a burning sensation, which should cease once the acid has been neutralized and the solution washed off. In the two weeks following the procedure, the top layers of skin will begin to peel away, leaving smooth, new skin behind.

3). Try laser treatments

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Laser treatment is a great option for improving the appearance of deeper scars than those targeted by dermabrasion and chemical peels. Laser treatment works by burning away the scar tissue, allowing fresh, new skin to grow and replace the scarred surface. The area is numbed with a special cream before the procedure, so the treatment is not particularly painful. Another advantage is that the laser can pinpoint the scar precisely, so the surrounding skin remains unaffected.

4). Get steroid injections

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Steroid injections have been successfully used to treat keloid scars, which are notoriously difficult to get rid of. For small keloid the steroid scars, which are notoriously difficult to get rid of. For small keloids the steroid injections, which contain substances such as hydrocortisone, are injected directly into the skin around the scar. Larger keloids are sometimes sliced or frozen off before the steroids are used.

5). Try collagen or other fillers

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Injections of collagen or other fats can be very helpful in improving the appearance of indented scars, such as the pockmarks caused by chicken pox. Collagen is a natural animal protein, which is injected into the skin with a fine needle, thus filling in the indented scars. Though very effective, the results of collagen treatments are not permanent, as the body absorbs the natural collagen. You will need to get the scar refilled after about four months.

Method 2 – Reducing The Appearance Of SCARS

1). Begin treating scars as soon as they appear

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You should begin treating your scar with a suitable cream or other treatment first. Most scar treatments will be much more effective on newer scars than on old ones, thus saving your time and money down the road.

2). Exfoliate Regularly

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Most scars will eventually disappear on their own as skin rejuvenates itself; shedding old layers of skin and growing new ones. You can help this process along by exfoliating your skin regularly in the shower, using a body scrub or a bristled brush.

3). Apply Sunscreen

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This is one often overlooked piece of advice that can significantly reduce the appearance of scars. What many people fail to realize is that new scars are extremely sensitive to UVA rays, and expose to sunlight can cause them to become much darker than they would be otherwise. By applying a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 to newly scarred skin, you can significantly minimize discoloration.

4). Massage Your Legs

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Regularly massaging your legs can help to break down the fibrous tissue which causes scarring. It also improves circulation which can aid with discoloration. You can massage legs in the shower using a body brush, or you can use your hands to rub each leg using long, circular strokes.

5). Use Concealer

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A good concealer can do wonders to hide scars on the legs. Make sure to get a concealer that matches your skin tone, and that you blend it in well with the surrounding skin. A waterproof concealer is best if you will be exposing your legs to unpredictable weather conditions, and theatrical make-up (which is much thicker than regular make-up) can work wonders for those with particularly bad scars.

Method 3 – Using Home Remedies

1). Cucumber

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Cucumber is a safe natural treatment which has been said to break down scar tissue, while cooling and soothing any inflamed skin around the scar. Again, this treatment will work better on fresh scars than on older ones. To use, peel a cucumber, chop roughly and blend in a food processor until it achieves a paste-like consistency. Apply a light layer of this paste to the scarred skin and leave it on overnight or apply a thicker layer and wash off after 10-15 minutes.

2). Use Aloe Vera

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Aloe Vera is a plant whose sap has well – known moisturizing and soothing properties. It is often used to treat burns, but can also be used as an effective natural scar treatment. Aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, making it most effective in the treatment of fresh scars (though it should not be applied to open wounds). The aloe vera – soothes the skin and will helps it to regenerate, thus reducing the appearance of scars over time.

3). Give Olive Oil A Try

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Olive Oil is another natural treatment which has been said to improve the appearance of scars. Extra virgin olive oil, in particular, is believed to produce the best results as it has a higher acidity level than other olive oils and a greater quantity of vitamin K and vitamin E. The oil works by softening and moisturizing the skin, causing the scar tissue to slacken, while acidity in the oil exfoliates the skin.

4). Lemon Juice

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Lemon Juice is a common home remedy for scar treatment, which receives mixed reviews. It is believed to lessen the appearance of scars by acting as a bleaching agent to minimize redness, while also exfoliating, to help skin regenerate. While lemon juice has helped some people to reduce their scars, this method is not recommended by dermatologists, as lemon juice can be harsh and drying on the skin, and has not been scientifically proven to remove scars.

5). Cocoa Butter

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Cocoa Butter is a natural product, which helps to reduce the appearance of scars by moisturizing and softening the outer and middle layers of skin, while simultaneously smoothing out the surface of the skin. You can use pure cocoa or use a lotion containing cocoa butter, which you should apply to the scarred area between 2 and 4 times a day.

6). Vitamin E Oil

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Vitamin E has been used in many health and beauty treatments for many years and many people swear by it as a successful treatment for scars. Vitamin E Oils is moisturizing and containing powerful antioxidants, helping it to repair skin and improve the appearance of damaged tissue.

Method 4 – Using Over – The Counter Products

1). Scar Reducing Creams and Gels

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There are many products available over the counter at the pharmacy that claim to reduce the appearance or even remove scars. Whether these products will work for you, will depending on the severity of your scarring.

2). Use a Silicone Based Scar Sheet

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Silicone scar sheets are a great, innovative way to deal with your scars, especially those that may look unsightly. The scar sheets are self-adhesive, so they will stick to your skin while the silicone technology works to hydrate, soften, and fade the scars. The silicone sheets are available for purchase over-the-counter or online and each box will usually provide an 8 to 12 week supply.

3). Bleaching Creams

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Bleaching Creams, such as those containing the ingredient hydroquinone, reduce the appearance of scars such as stretch marks and dark spots by targeting the hyperpigmentation, which causes dark brown, black, bright red or purple scars. These creams will effectively lighten the color of the scars, causing them to become less noticeable over time.


Proper Skin Care is vital if you’re concerned about your physical appearance. Unhealthy skin tends to appear sallow and dull, whereas healthy skin appears full and vibrant. Wrinkles develop with more ease and sink deeper if your skin is dehydrated and unhealthy, and it can result in uneven patches that have a mottled color. When skin is unhealthy it loses elasticity, which can make it sag and appear thin.


“Nothing can stop time, but you don’t have to resort to extreme plastic surgery to fend off its effects. It turns out that simple, daily, face-friendly habits can have a big impact. But we’re not talking about a major overhaul. Just some basics – five ideas for day, five for night. “Bottom line, make sure no 12 – hour period passes without doing something positive for your skin” Please Do It For Your Skin!!!”

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@ Jackie San

You also can read similar topics and tips about Glowing Your Skin>>>

--->>> https://www.jacknjillscute.com/2018/07/12-fastest-ways-to-make-your-flawless.html

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Pelumba basikal trek negara, siapa tak kenal iaitu Azizulhasni Awang, memberikan Emas Ke – 5 buat kontigen Malaysia apabila menjuarai acara pecut individu lelaki Sukan Asia Palembang & Jakarta 2018 di Velodrom Antarabangsa Jakarta, hari ini.

Azizulhasni Awang terdahulu meneruskan kemaraan ke Final acara ini selepas menewaskan pelumba dari Korea Selatan, Im Chae-Bin dalam separuh akhir.

Dalam aksi Final, Azizulhasi Awang bersama pelumba Jepun, Tomohiro Fukaya yang turut mara ke Final selepas beliau menewaskan rakan sepasukan Azizulhasni Awang, Shah Firdaus Sahrom di peringkat separuh akhir.

Sejarah Sukan Asia di Jakarta ini menyaksikan Azizulhasni selaku pelumba yang lebih unggul dalam persaingan ketiga-tiga perlumbaan terbaik dan keseluruhannya dimenangi oleh Azizulhasni Awang.

Azizulhasni Awang turut merakamkan kesyukuran di atas kemenangan dan mengucapkan terima kasih yang tak terhingga di atas sokongan keluarga, sokongan semua pihak termasuk Jurulatih dan akhirnya amanah yang dipertanggungjawabkan kepada beliau berakhir dengan Kilauan Emas Buat Malaysia Merdeka.

Selain itu, beliau turut menyatakan saingan hari ini memberikan halangan dari segi mental dan fizikal kepada beliau. Namun beliau nekad untuk menjuarai acara ini.

“Kemenangan ini adalah untuk seluruh Rakyat Malaysia dan berharap untuk beraksi cemerlang dalam acara kesukaannya “Keirin”, esok,” kata Azizulhasni Awang.

John Beasley, Jurulatih Azizulhasni Awang turut meluahkan kebanggaan beliau di atas kemenangan Azizulhasni dan usaha mereka membuahkan hasil. Selain itu Shah Firdaus hampir membutirkan kilauan gangsa tetapi ianya belum berhasil tambah beliau.

Kilauan Emas dari ‘The Pocket Rocketman’ ini menyaksikan Malaysia kini telah meraih dan menambah emas menjadikan Emas Ke – 5 buat kontigen Malaysia di Sukan Asia 2018. Hanya tingal lebih kurang 3 hari lagi Sukan Asia melabuhkan tirainya maka sasaran tujuh emas yang telah ditetapkan oleh kementerian menjadikan pembakar semangat buat semua pasukan dan atlet Malaysia yang masih bertanding.

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Shah Firdaus
Sementara itu juga, Shah Firdaus yang beraksi dalam penentuan pingat gangsa terpaksa akur dengan kehebatan pelumba basikan Korea Selatan, Chae-Bin dengan kekalahan tipis 2 – 1.

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“Kegagalan untuk menghadiahkan pingat buat Kontigen Malaysia saya amat sedih”, Kata Shah Firdaus. Dalam separuh akhir, saya mengakui kehilangan rentak kayuhan dan pada perlumbaan penentuan tadi saya berikan yang terbaik untuk team Malaysia tetapi mungkin tuah belum memihak kepada saya maka Chae-Bin yang memiliki tenaga lebih berjaya memintas saya,” kata Shah Firdaus.

@ Jackie San

Pingat Emas - Ahmad Amsyar Azman, Hari Jadi Ke - 26 Hadiah Paling Bermakna

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Penerjun negara Ahmad Amsyar Azman nekad untuk menghadiahkan pingat sempena hari jadinya ke-26 tahun ini. Beliau akan beraksi merebut tempat ke podium bagi acara 1m papan anjal individu lelaki bersama seorang lagi wakil penerjun negara iaitu Syafiq Putih mala mini (30 Ogos 2018). Malah beliau turut mengatakan kemungkinan pingat itu buat seluruh rakyat Malaysia sempena Kemerdekaan Ke-61. Insya Allah.

Segalanya amat mudah buat kedua-dua penerjun negara yang menempatkan mereka di antara 12 penerjun terbaik Sukan Asia mara ke final malam ini.

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Bagi Amsyar, semangat untuk mengapai pingat, kondisi serta sokongan padu dari jurulatih, kawan-kawan serta rakyat Malaysia. Beliau mengharapkan tuah hari jadinya yang Ke-26 mampu menjadi hadiah teristimewa untuknya dalam Sukan Asia di Palembang, Jakarta kali ini.

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Tahun 2017 Sempena Sukan SEA di Kuala Lumpur menyaksikan beliau dikalungkan Pingat Emas menerusi acara kegemarannya itu dan berharap agar tuah yang sama akan berlaku di pentas Sukan Asia malam ini.

“Saya meraih Pingat Emas dalam Sukan SEA tahun lalu. Saya akan melakukan yang terbaik pada hari jadi saya ini, Kata Amsyar.

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Sementara itu, bagi penerjun muda negara iaitu Syafiq Putih yang berada di kedudukan Ke-5 kelayakan tidak mahu berasa terlalu selesa kerana aksi final pasti sengit, Kata Syafiq.

Syafiq tidak menafikan keseluruhan penerjun beraksi pada tahap yang terbaik dalam saingan kelayakan hari ini. Beliau bangga di atas pencapaian ini.

“Saya telah bertandingan dengan penerjun-penerjun dunia Asia hari ini. Saya amat bangga sekali dan ianya menjadi sejarah permulaan kerjaya terjun saya. Saya pasti akan melakukan terjunan terbaik dan memberikan tumpuan kepada rutin yang ditetapkan. Saya mahu menghadiahkan pingat untuk rakyat Malaysia sempenan Hari Kemerdekaan Ke-61 Tahun ini. Doa anda semua kepada kami di Palembang & Jakarta agar senantiasa maju dalam karier terjun kami, amatlah saya hargai.
Insya Allah. Aamin.

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@Jackie San


" 8 Steps How To Avoid Spinal Headache "

What is Spinal and Back Pain

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Spinal anatomy is a remarkable combination of strong bones, tendons, large muscles, flexible ligaments and highly sensitive nerves. It is designed to be incredibly strong, protecting the highly sensitive nerve roots, providing for mobility on many different planes and yet highly flexibility.

Most of us take this juxtaposition of structure, flexibility and strength for granted in our everyday lives – Until something goes wrong. When we have back pain, we’re driven to know what’s wrong and what it will take to relieve the pain and prevent a recurrence.

Causes of Spinal Pain or Back Pain.

1. Swing forward and move left and right when lifting or pulling something in floor.

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2. Swing forward and down while walking/working.

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3. Driving a car/motorcycle for a long way without stopping.
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4. Stand up too long.
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5. Handle and bring goods that weigh in balance.

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6. Lifting heavy items in the wrong positions and way.

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7. Sitting bending in the chair.

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8. Boost the body when coughing or sneezing.

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9. Wear high heeled shoes.

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10. Sleeping on floor (cement/concrete).

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What are the Symptoms

a.Pain and numbness, most commonly on one side of the body.

b.pain that extends to your arms or legs.

c.Pain that worsens at night or with certain movements.

d.Pain when walking short distances.

e.Unexplained muscle weakness.

f.Tingling, aching, or burning sensations in the affected area.

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*The types of pain can vary from person to person. See your doctor if your pain results in numbness or tingling that affects your ability to control your muscles.

It is possible to prevent

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It may not be possible to prevent, but you can take steps to reduce your risk of developing that back pain/spinal pain. These steps include:

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1. Use safe lifting techniques: Bend and lift from your knees, not your waist.

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2. Maintain a healthy weight. 

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3. Do not remain seated for long periods; get up and stretch periodically.

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4. Do exercises to strengthen the muscles in your back, legs, and abdomen.

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5. See your doctor- Usually patients will be given medication to reduce swelling and thus reduce pain. Medicines do not have to be painstaking.

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6. Massage and stretching exercises can also ease back pain inflammation.

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7. For those who feel painful or tense at the back, you can stroke with stone water or ice pads. Just destroy the ice cubes, then wrap with plastic and dry cloth then poop on the painful portion for at least ten minutes.

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8. For those who work and sit, it is best to sit with the right technique. Do not miss, do stretch every 30 minutes to avoid back pain.


Our body consist of about 70 % of water. Sufficient water lubricates the system in our body. Drink plenty of water to stabilize the composition of the intervertebral disc, so that our spine ‘absorbers’ are always healthy. Water is important for almost all body processes as a good supply for us, at least drinking 8-10 ounces of glasses every day. It is almost impossible to drink too much water. But it will helpful!!!

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@Jackie San

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