
"Flight Travel " - More Fun

Flying Excitement

 Lihat imej sumber

Whether on a short- or long- haul journey, flying can be a pleasant experience if you are well-prepared.
For that,
here are some simple steps to ensure you are enjoys, have a safe, comfortable journey and smooth.

1OnBoard Care
Aircraft cabins are generally very dry and dehydration can occur easily. To overcome this problem:

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Drink- a lots of water but ensure the intake is slow and regular. Drinking too much water at one go will cause the body to expel the water quickly too, forcing you to visit the toilet frequently also. Huhuhu… Be careful.

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Lubricate- your eyes with eye drops, as eyes are aggravated by dry atmosphere. Also, ditch the contact lenses and opt for spectacles during your flight.

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Avoid- coffee, tea and alcohol or keep intake to a minimum.

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Hydrate- your skin by applying moisturiser or spraying a body spritzer on exposed body parts.

2Inflight Exercises
Don’t forget to Exercise during your flight.

Chest Stretch-Sit upright with arms held on either side of the body, and push both elbows back while stretching the spine. You should feel the stretch in your back.

                                                    Lihat imej sumber

Lower Limbs/Buttocks Stretch-Sit straight and cross your right leg over your left leg. Hold your right knee with both hands and lean forward. Hold for 10 seconds, and repeat on the other side.

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Shoulder Stretch-Place your right hand horizontally in the crook of your left elbow and press gently against your chest. Hold for 10 seconds, repeat on the other side.

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3Ear Comfort

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Changes in air pressure or altitude cause our ears to ‘POP’ and sometimes ache during take-off and also landing time. For a comfortable flying experience, suck on sweets or, mimic the act of chewing and swallowing if you do not have any sweets with you. This will relieve the discomfort and help stabilise the pressure in the ear canals. Pacifiers will work just as well for toddlers. If you have a cold, use a nasal decongestant to clear your nasal passage and alleviate the ache.

4Beat The Lag

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 Comfortable travel is important.
Nobody likes arriving at their destination with dark circles around their eyes!!!
Comfort kit now easy you can find it and it will helps you stay cosy and well-rested during your flight. If you want to buy the comfort kits don’t forget to select the kit comes with an inflatable neck pillow, an eye mask, a woven blanket and a pouch. It’s a complete sets you will have.

5Prevent DVT-Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

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Can occur when a blood clot forms in the large veins of the legs or arms, blocking blood circulation. In activity during long flights may lead to the occurrence of DVT. If you are flying long distance, ensure you perform inflight exercises such as those listed above as a precaution against developing DVT. When possible and permissible, stretch your legs and walk along the aisle. Be aware of symptoms such as pain or swelling in the legs, which can happen even after you disembark. Seek medical attention if these occur.

@Jackie San

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