
8 Reasons Why Peanuts - The World's Healthiest Foods ?

What Is Peanut ?


The Peanut, also known as the groundnut, monkey nut (UK) or goober, and taxonomically classified as Arachis hypogaea, is a legume crop grown mainly for its edible seeds. It is widely grown in the tropics and subtropics, being important to both small and large commercial producers. It is widely grown in the tropics and subtropics, being important to both small and large commercial producers. It is classified as both a grain legume and, because of its high oil content, an oil crop. 

Peanuts are similar in taste and nutritional profile to tree nuts, such as walnuts and almonds, and as a culinary nut are often served in similar ways in Western cuisines. The botanical definition of a "nut" is a fruit whose ovary wall becomes hard at maturity. Using this criterion, the peanut is not a typical nut. However, for culinary purposes and in common English language usage, peanuts are usually referred to as nuts.

Why Peanut is Important ?

a). Health Benefits


In addition to being every kid's (and many grownup kid's) favorite sandwich filling, peanuts pack a serious nutritional punch and offer a variety of health benefits.

b). Peanut's Antioxidants Key To Their Heart-Health Benefits


Nut's high antioxidant content helps explain in which risk of death from cardiovascular and coronary heart diseases showed strong and consistent reductions with increasing nut/peanut butter consumption. Total death rates decreased 11% and 19% for nut/peanut butter intake once per week and 1-4 times per week, respectively.

Even more impressive were the results of a review study of the evidence linking nuts and lower risk of coronary heart disease. 

Most important is to lower your risk of cardiovascular and coronary heart disease, enjoy a handful of peanuts or other nuts, or a tablespoon of nut butter, at least 4 times a week. 

c). Your Heart Will Go Nuts For Peanuts 


Peanuts are rich in monounsaturated fats, the type of fat that is emphasized in the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet. Studies of diets with a special emphasis on peanuts have shown that this little legume is a big ally for a healthy heart. In one such randomized, double-blind, cross-over study involving 22 subjects, a high monounsaturated diet that emphasized peanuts and peanut butter decreased cardiovascular disease risk by an estimated 215 compared to the average Asean diet.

In addition to their monounsaturated fat content, peanuts feature an array of other nutrients that, in numerous studies, have been shown to promote heart health. Peanuts are good sources of folate, niacin, protein, manganese and vitamin E. In addition, peanuts provide resveratrol, the phenolic antioxidant also found in red grapes and red wine that is thought to be responsible for the French paradox for example: the fact that in France, people consume a diet that is not low in fat, but have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared to the U.S. With all of the important nutrients provided by nuts like peanuts, it is no wonder that numerous research studies, including the Nurses' Health Study that involved over 86,000 women, have found that frequent nut consumption is related to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

d). Peanuts Rival Fruit As A Source Of Antioxidants 


Not only do peanuts contain oleic acid, the healthful fat found in olive oil, but new research shows these tasty legumes are also as rich in antioxidants as man fruits.

While unable to boast an antioxidant content that can compare with the fruits highest in antioxidants, such as pomegranate, roasted peanuts do rival the antioxidant content of blackberries and strawberries, and are far richer in antioxidants than apples, carrots or beets. 

e). Potentially Reduced Risk Of Stroke Based On Preliminary Animal Studies


Resveratrol is a flavonoid first studied in red grapes and red wine, but not also found to be present in peanuts. In animal studies on resveratrol itself (the purified nutrient given in intravenous form, not the food form), this phytonutrient has been determined to improve blood flow in the brain by as much as 30%, thus greatly reducing the risk of stroke.

f).Peanuts Protective, But Pickled Foods Increase Risk Of Colon Cancer


A number of studies have shown that nutrients found in peanut, including folic acid, phytosterols, phytic acid (inositol hexaphosphate) and resveratrol, may have anti-cancer effects. A rich source all these nutrients-including the phytosterol beta-sisterol, which has demonstrated anti-cancer actions-peanuts have long been considered a likely candidate as a colon cancer-preventive food.

Colorectal cancer is the second most fatal malignancy in developed countries and the third most frequent cancer worldwide. In Taiwan, not only has incidence of colon cancer increased, but the likelihood of dying from the disease rose 74% from 1993 to 2002.

Risk of colon cancer was found to be highly correlated with both peanuts, which greatly lessened risk, and pickled foods, which greatly increased risk, particularly in women.

Eating peanuts just 2 or more times each week was associated with a 58% lowered risk of colon cancer in women and a 27% lowered risk in men.

In women, but not in men, eating pickled foods 2 or more times a week more than doubled the likelihood of developing colon cancer risk for women, increasing their rick 215%.

Tips: To help prevent colon cancer, avoid pickled foods, but enjoy peanuts at least twice each week. In addition to that old stand-by, the PB&J sandwich, try some of the following:

a). Add a tablespoon of peanut butter to your morning smoothie.
b). Spread peanut butter on your morning waffle, whole grain toast or mid-morning crackers.
c). Enjoy a handful of dry roasted peanuts with a glass of tomato juice as an afternoon snack.
d). Combine peanut butter, coconut milk, and ready-to-use Thai red or green curry paste for a quick, delicious sauce. Pour over healthy sauteed vegetables. Use as a cooking sauce for tofu or salmon.
e). Toss cooked brown rice with sesame oil, chopped peanuts, scallions, sweet red pepper, parsley and currants.

When purchasing peanut butter, be sure to read the label. Hydrogenated (trans) fats and sugar are often added to peanut butter. Buy organic and choose brands that contain peanuts, salt-and nothing else!

g). Protect Against Alzheimer's And Age-Related Cognitive Decline


Those getting the most niacin from foods (22 mg per day) were 70% less likely to have developed Alzheimer's disease than those consuming at least (about 13 mg daily), and their rate of age-related cognitive decline was significantly less. One easy way to boost your niacin intake is to snack on a handful of peanuts-just a quarter cup provides about a quarter of the daily recommended intake for niacin (16 mg per day for men and 14 for women).

h). Eating Nuts Lower Risk of Weight Gain


Although nuts are known to provide a variety of cardio-protective benefits, many avoid them for fear of weight gain. In fact, people who eat nuts at least twice a week are much less likely to gain weight than those who almost never eat nuts.

Tips: Don't let concerns about gaining weight prevent you from enjoying the delicious taste and many health benefits of nuts!

a). Fill a celery stick with nut butter for an afternoon pick-me-up.
b). Spread some nut butter on your morning toast or bagel.
c). Remember how many great childhood lunches involved a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Upgrade that lunchbox favorite by spreading organic peanut butter ad concord grape jelly on whole wheat bread.
d). Sprinkle a handful of nuts over your morning cereal, lunch time salad, dinner's steamed vegetables.
e). Or just enjoy a handful of lightly roasted nuts as a healthy snack.

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@ Jackie San


Paku Midin: I want more money what can I do ? How can I play w...

Paku Midin: I want more money what can I do ? How can I play w...: CURRENCY In Money Is WHAT ? https://www.jacknjillscute.blogspot.com/ A currency; in the most specific use of the word, refers...

I want more money what can I do ? How can I play with money ?



A currency; in the most specific use of the word, refers to money in any form when in actual use or circulation as a medium of exchange, especially circulating banknotes and coins. A more general definition is that a currency is a system of money (monetary units) in common use, especially in a nation. Under this definition, British Pounds, Australian Dollars, European Euros, Russian Ruble, Japanese Yen, Korean Won and US Dollars are examples of currency. These various currencies are recognized as stores of value and are traded between nations in foreign exchange markets, which determine the relative values of the different currencies. Currencies in this sense are defined by governments, and each type has limited boundaries of acceptance.

Other definitions of the term "currency" are discussed in their respective synonymous articles banknote, coin, and money. 



Somewhat rightly, most people equate money with security. Having enough money to live on and to pursue and achieve our goals is a goal of just about everybody.

I'd say there's four basic types of people out there with respect to money and security:

People with normal security needs who have met them: You meet these people sometimes. People who are happy with what they've got and don't need anything more. These people might turn down a better paying job because it requires more hours. They're content with life and don't feel threatened.


People with normal security needs who haven't met them: These people have relatively normal security needs, but they haven't been able to meet them yet. Maybe they have a low income or maybe they have a lot of kids to provide for. These people usually work hard to bring in more money, because they rightly assume that they need it.

Perpetually insecure people: These are the people whose security needs will always be slightly out of reach. Constantly comparing themselves to others, they won't see themselves as secure until they get to the next rung of the ladder (at which point the rung after that will represent security). Maybe this is due to a complete inability to rein in their own extravagant spending habits or maybe it is due to the trauma of having lived at a time when there wasn't any security at all. These unfortunate people will never have the luxury of feeling themselves to be secure no matter how much money they have.

People for whom money and security have been decoupled: These people are likely to be billionaires and other supremely wealthy folks. 

I am very happy to say that society pressures tend to place a lot of people in the 2nd and 3rd camps these days. Income inequality has really skyrocketed, leaving a lot of people without security and a lot of other people feeling like they don't have any security. 

Still, there are most certainly people out there who are happy with what they have, and there are many riches in life beyond riches. Let's hope the pendulum swings back towards more security in the near future.




1# - Too many people spend money they earned...To buy things they don't want...To impress people that they don't like!!!

2# - A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart!!!

3# - Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants!!!

4# - Money often costs too much!!!

5# - Everyday in a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we're got 24 hours each!!!

6# - It's how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success!!!

7# - I love money, I love everything about it. I bought some pretty good stuff. Got me a $500 sometimes stuff. And, of course, I bought some dumb stuff, too !!!

8# - An investment in knowledge pays the best interest !!!


9# - Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work!!!

10# - What we really want to do is what we are really meant to do. When we do what we are meant to do, money comes to us, doors open for us, we feel useful, and the work we do feels like play to us!!!

11# - I never attempt to make money on the stock market. I buy on the assumption that they could close the market the next day and not reopen it for ten years!!!


12# - Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one!!!


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@ Jackie San


How To Get More Protein In Your Body

Protein Is What ?


Protein is a macronutrient that is essential to building muscle mass. It is commonly found in animal products, though is also present in other sources, such as nuts and legumes.

There are three macronutrients: carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Macronutrients provide calories or energy. The body requires large amounts of macronutrients to sustain life. Each gram of protein contains 4 calories. Protein makes up about 15 % of a person's body weight.

Chemically, protein is composed of amino acids, which are organic compounds made of sulfur, oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and proteins are the building blocks of muscle mass. 

When protein is broken down in the body it helps to fuel muscle mass, which helps metabolism. It also helps the immune system stay strong. It helps you stay full. A lot of research has shown that protein has satiety effects."

For example, two recent studies showed that satiety or feeling full after a meal, improved after consuming a high-protein snack. 


Why We Need Protein ?

After water, protein is the main component of cells and is essential to life. Protein is used to build and maintain these parts of our body:

a). Skin, Hair and Nails: These are mainly composed of protein.

b). Haemoglobin: Transports oxygen around the body.

c). Collagen: Provides strength and structure to tissues (e.g. cartilage in joints).

d). Hormones: Acts as your body's chemical messengers.

e). Muscles: Those responsible for movement and the muscles around our organs and our heart.

f). Antibodies: Play a role in your immunity. After the age of 50, unless we act to prevent it, we may lose about 1% of muscle mass each year and with it, muscle strength.

It's important to maintain muscle mass because it's what helps keep us strong and keeps us moving - and that's what helps contribute to living a full and active life. Combining adequate dietary protein spread over the day with resistance exercise training using all the major muscle groups helps maintain muscle mass. 

g). Enzymes: Regulate metabolism- they support important chemical reactions that allow you to digest food, generate energy to contract muscles, and regulate insulin production.

How To Get More Protein ?

a). Keep Nuts Handy


If you're wondering how to get more protein into your diet, nuts like almonds or walnuts are great to have around because they can be added to many different foods or eaten on their own as a snack. "In addition to sprinkling them on your yogurt, add nuts to your salad, breakfast cereal or in your oatmeal. "An easy tip is to keep a handful or almonds in a Ziploc bag to have on hand for when hunger strikes!" Just make sure to count out your serving so you don't get into a high-calorie habit of handful after handful or nut varieties. And as with most healthy foods, naked nuts are better than those flavoured or salted.

b). Greek Yogurt


Step aside traditional American yogurt, and allow Greek yogurt to take the spotlight. "It's rich in protein and so easy to eat as a snack or on the go. Just one serving of a Greek yogurt can add about 10 grams of protein into your day." For an extra 3 grams of protein, top your yogurt with an ounce of nuts (about a handful). These are healthiest ways to load up on lean protein. 

c). Some Ancient Grains


For days when you're not swapping quinoa for pasta, experiment with other ancient grains, such as spelt, amaranth and teff, which are surprisingly packed with protein. Per cup, chewy spelt has over 10 grams of protein per cup, and nutty, buttery Kamut has more than 9 grams. Teff, which is slightly sweet, also has 9 grams of protein per cup, as does amaranth (technically a seed), which has a slightly earthy flavour. Sorghum, which is a bit bitter, comes in at 8 grams of protein per cup.

d). Prep Meat Strips


The best way to make sure you're actually getting the protein you need? To keep that essential nutrient at top of mind, every single time you set your table. "Each meal should be based on protein, whereby you consume at least 20 to 30 grams of protein (depending on body size and protein type) every three hours or so. If you prep lunches for the workweek, add one small step into your routine to rack up even more grams of protein. "You can prepare and cook extra portions of a lean protein like chicken or fish and keep it stored in the refrigerator to add to meals throughout the week. Try grilling or broiling to limit added fats. Consider it a healthier version of sprinkling salt (or Sriracha) on your meal.

e). Bean To Anything


Your vegan friends are onto something when they rave about how much they love creating culinary concoctions out of good 'ole simple beans. "Add lentils, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, white bean or black beans to meals like soups, pastas or salads. "Beans are full of fiber and average around 15 grams of protein per cup."

f). Eat hard - Boiled Eggs 


Easter's mascot isn't just ideal for hunting in the backyard in your Sunday best; hard-boiled eggs (even if they aren't dyed pastel colors) are a great addition to your diet. "Make a batch of hard-boiled eggs to eat throughout the week. Having the eggs already cooked will make it easy to grab for a snack or an easy protein to add on top of a salad or to a meal." One hard-boiled egg can pack in 6 grams of protein. Eggs are also one of the best foods you can be eating for brain health, and although they do raise cholesterol, most people can safely eat an egg a day worry-free.

g). Eat More Snack


"Snack on two tablespoons of natural peanut butter with a banana or celery sticks. A peanut butter snack can add 8 grams of protein to your day." If you still love the "ants" part, add no more than a tablespoon of raisins, as they're pretty high in sugar. Can't eat peanut butter? Try hummus.

h). Eat Peas


If you've ever visited London and searched for the best "fish and chips," you probably noticed a side of "mushy peas" as an option. Just they sound, the Brits prefer their peas mashed, but regardless of how you eat them. "Peas can easily be thrown into salads, main dishes and also your soups. One cup of peas contains 8 grams of proteins." Some pea-lovers have been known to eat them frozen straight out of the freezer.

I). Go Asian Country


You go-to appetizer at your favorite sushi restaurant might be the reason you can only make it through two rolls before maxing out. "Munch on edamame for a low-calorie protein-packed snack." "One-half cup contains 9 grams of protein." Edamame, or soybeans, also deliver 300 mg or heart-healthy, brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids.

j). Coffee-Flavored Protein


You don't need us to remind you about the Sunday scaries or the Monday blues, but if you want a way to start off your week on the right foot. "Mornings are always hectic, leaving me in need of a jump start. I turn to coffee-flavoured protein, such as Maine Roast Protein Coffee, to gear up for a productive day. It not only boosts energy, but unlike traditional coffee, it sustains energy levels and prevents a mid-morning crash you might get with whey protein." 

k). Fight Sweets With Healthy Stuff
Yet another birthday at work with cupcakes? Or extra stress have you aching for some sweets? "When I'm craving sweets, I reach for a chocolate 'milkshake' made with chocolate whey protein blended with frozen almond milk cubes. It's delicious, and the protein helps curb my craving for sweets."

L). Make Sweet Treats Better For You
When you have a moment of healthy-eating weakness, are you more likely to give in to the temptation of a salty, buttery bowl of mashed potatoes or a hunky slice of chocolate pie? If you're wondering how to get more protein and fiber into your favorite baked goods like banana bread, muffins, and breakfast cookies is to add pureed or mashed black or white beans or chickpeas. Try adding silken tofu to smoothies and puddings. No one will know your secret!

M). Dip Into Hummus


Slide over avocado and tortilla chips, and say hello to hummus with carrot sticks. "Hummus is chickpeas blended with tahini usually, so the protein quality is a bit better with than combo. "It makes an awesome high-protein dip for veggies."

N). Make DIY Trail Mix
Instead of purchasing a packaged snack pack that likely has tons of additives (looking at you sneaky sugar!). "Get your own favorite mix of nuts, seeds, and all the fun fixings. I like walnuts, almonds, dark chocolate chips and craisins." Or skip the craisins and add unsweetened coconut flakes instead. Nuts provide your daily dose of healthy fats, in addition to protein, and are filling and delicious to boot. (Just watch portions, as the calories add up quickly).

O). Stir In Egg Whites


Egg whites are packed with protein to keep you full and satisfied, and because they're nearly tasteless, you can add them into a variety of recipes. Recommended separating out a single eggs white to stir into your oatmeal in the morning. That will keep you from burning through the carbs of the oatmeal quickly and looking for snacks before lunch. If you're cooking oatmeal on the stove, add one whisked egg white to the bowl once the oatmeal is slightly cooled, or if you're making it in the microwave, stir in the whisked egg at the same time as the milk or water, pre-cooking.

p). Eat More Whole Grains


When faced with multigrain, basic white, or whole wheat options. The choice is easy when considering how to get more protein: whole grain, all the way. "For the same serving size, whole grain products like bread, flour, or pasta, typically have more protein than their refined counterparts". They also tend to have more vitamins and minerals as well as fiber. Look for "whole grain" to be first in the ingredient list.

Q). Double Up On Fish


Especially if you're strapped for time or tend to only cook once in a blue moon, making larger portions is the way to go. Preparing healthy fish in bulk makes it easy to make high-protein choices for several days. Four ounces of salmon has 23 grams of protein. 

R). Use Hemp Hearts


Problem: You want to eat more protein but you don't want to necessarily change what you're eating, because you're a picky eater to begin with. "Hemp hearts are y go-to protein source when I don't want to change the flavour profile but still increase the protein content". "They are great to mix in oatmeal or sprinkle on salads."

S). Make Meatballs


On top of spaghetti, all covered with cheese? - Skip the noodles and the parmesan, but double up on the tomato sauce and turkey meatballs. You'll still satisfy your craving for Italian, you'll rack up the lean protein, and you'll keep the refined carbs and saturated fat to a minimum. Here are the silent signs you could be eating too much protein.

T). Add Spirulina To Your Smoothies


One simple way for how to get more protein is to make it a topping. "This natural algae is one of the most potent protein sources available, with 16 grams per ounce! Not to mention it's a great source of antioxidants, B vitamins, iron, calcium and other nutrients. Add it to your fruit smoothies or protein shakes!"

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@ Jackie San

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