
12 Keys to Career Success


The progress and actions taken by a person throughout a lifetime, especially to that person's occupations. A career is often composed of the jobs held, titles earned and work accomplished over a long period of time, rather than just referring to one position. While employees in some cultures and economies stay with one job during their career, there is an increasing trend to employees changing jobs more frequently. For example, an individual's career could involve being a lawyer, though the individual could work for several different firms and in several different areas of law over a lifetime.



People need jobs because working enables them to earn money. Money is an important aspect of people's lives because it allows them to pay for many of life's necessities, such as food, water, clothing and shelter. Work also gives many people a sense of reward, productivity and purpose.

One of the most common reasons people give for working in their chosen fields is to make money. Access to money can provide people with a sense of control in their lives, as earning an adequate salary helps individuals achieve a healthy standard of living. They are able to lessen finance-related stress once they can more easily pay for their living expenses and entertainment. 

Money isn't always the only reason people work. Other reasons why people work are that they want to be productive and desire to contribute to society. They may want to spend time utilizing their skills and serving people who need their assistance.

The benefits different people derive from work and linked to their individual values. A person who knows his values and what he desires to get out of work can set meaningful goals for himself, choose jobs that provide deeper satisfaction than financial incentives and recognize dissatisfaction with a job that doesn't meet his values.


Usually requires special learning that includes individualized components that develop abilities beyond that which training is capable of.


A career may not mean stability of work as it encourages one to take risks. The risks are often internal and therefore planned.


Are you keeping these tips for success in mind at work?

Once you graduate from University and land a job, your next immediate concern is how to succeed in your career. Because the world has become so competitive, doing well in your job and moving forward with your career is more important now than ever. Career advancement and recognition are on every professional's list of goals. But what sets the exceptional professionals apart? The answer is simply willingness and a strong desire to perform well. Once you have the willingness and the right mindset, you can begin climbing the ladder.

Here are the top 10 career success secrets on how to excel at work.

1 - Be Your Own Evaluator.


One of the best ways to achieve career success is to keep assessing your performance. Don't wait for your annual appraisal - do it yourself. An ideal way to do this would be to identify quantifiable goals and set a timeline for achieving them. Start with setting short-term goals when you're new to a job. Create a detailed plan to achieve these goals. Break the tasks down into weekly or even daily tasks and fill out a small form at the end of the week to assess where you're headed and whether you need to change your strategy. You can even show your own performance report to your managers at some point to show how you've progressed. This will show that you understand the important of constant self-evaluation and improvement.

2 - Communicate Well.


Communication is key to an employee's and an organization's success. If your manager has to ask your for a status report, you're not doing everything you could be doing. The idea is to proactively communicate and let them know when a task is done, and move on to what needs to be done next.

3 - Set goals to achieve.


Remember you're not being paid for 'working hard' or 'staying busy'. At the end of the day, what matters to your employer is how you're contributing to fulfilling the company's goals and mission, both short term and long term. Therefore, keep in mind that you're being paid to deliver on clearly defined goals that significantly impact the company's performance and overall mission and vision. This goal-oriented mindset will help you achieve career success, no matter where you are on the corporate ladder.

4 - Show, Don't Tell.


The value of action is far greater than that of mere words. Use this as a principle in your dealings at the office. Instead of bragging about all the things you can do, and then never actually delivering, you ought to show management what you are capable of.

5 - Take Initiative.


Today's career requirements are highly developed and require much more than someone who won't take risks. In today's competitive career landscape, employers are looking for individuals who can bring fresh ideas to the table and take initiative, start new projects, pitch new solutions and create new opportunities for the business.

6 - Be Ready To Learn.


To excel in your career, you have to be wiling to learn. No matter what university you graduated from or what grades you had, professional life will be very different from college. Be prepared to have a million questions pop up every day regarding what you're doing. It might take you days to get a hang of your duties at your new job, so show management that you are coachable, paying attention and always willing to learn new things.

7 - Create Solutions.


Everyone can turn their problems into their manager's problems. Be the solution provider, not the problem creator. Great employees solve problems. If you don't have the authority to give the final verdict on a problem relevant to your work or department, then make sure you offer solutions to your boss and try to help as much as you can, wholeheartedly.

8 - Anticipate Needs.


To succeed in your new job and achieve career success, you will have to be well aware of what your manager needs. Stay a step ahead of your boss by asking yourself, "If I were my boss, what would I want done next?" By making sure you get things efficiently done in time, and take the initiative to do them yourself, you will be showing a positive, go-getter attitude to higher management.

9 - Creative Imagination!


Extend your physical ability to accelerate problem solving and goal achievement in all areas of your life.

10 - Make Wise Choices.


Learn the dramatic relationship between any current circumstances in your life and the choices that created these circumstances. Develop a personal proactive plan for desired outcomes through conscious, wise choices.

11 - Gain Trust.


This is one of the most important tips for success you need to ensure success when you start a new job. Think of it this way: the quicker you earn your boss' trust, the sooner they'll have less to worry about and hence more free time to focus their attention on other pressing matters. if your boss finds you trustworthy, they'll delegate tasks to you. Make sure you meet your deadlines and keep your promises. It's critical, especially early on in your relationship with your boss, that you fulfill every commitment you make, no matter how difficult it may seem.

12 - Be Compassionate.


Being a good employee requires compassion and understanding that your manager, and fellow employees are doing their best. Throwing a tantrum is not going to do anyone any good, neither will constantly complaining about how much work you're doing. At the end of the day, everyone is doing their fair share of the work they're getting paid for.

Many of these traits and behaviors that can help you excel in your career are also found in great leaders. By keeping these 12 career success secrets in mind, you can put yourself on the path to true greatness and achieve your ultimate career goals.

End of this article, ...
It makes sense to do a quick overview of my four keys to life and career success
"Clarity, Commitment, Confident and Competence."

Here they are in little more detail...

  1. Competence in your four key areas(Creating positive personal impact, Outstanding performance, Dynamic performance and Relationship building)
  2. Unshakeable self-confidence
  3. A sincere commitment to taking personal responsibility for your life and career
  4. Clarity of purpose and direction.

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@ Jackie San

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