
2 Kelebihan bisnes online


Aktiviti bisnes adalah keperluan hidup pada masa kini sejak dahulu lagi. Kehendak dan juga keperluan ini tidak berubah bahkan perubahan hanyalah berlaku kepada barangan serta kaedah/method cara membayar dilaksanakan.

Perkembangan teknologi maklumat iaitu IT turut membawa perubahan besar kepada cara transaksi ini dilakukan. IT digunakan sebagai salah satu media perniagaan terpantas yang disebut sebagai urusniaga secara online. Perkembangan teknologi ini ternyata membawa perubahan besar kepada kaedah urusniaga yang melibatkan perniagaan yang menjurus kepada luasnya jaringan internet (global). Dengan kewujudan revolusi multimedia ini, maka ianya bukan sahaja maklumat yang berbentuk data yang boleh dihantar bahkan juga grafik, video, bahkan suara dapat didengari dan dihantar dari satu tempat ke satu tempat yang lain ke seluruh dunia secara lebih pantas dan menjimatkan. Bagi syarikat-syarikat atau agensi-agensi baik dari pihak kerajaan mahupun swasta, IT mempunyai banyak kelebihan di dalam mengatur dan menyusun pengaliran wang serta perbelanjaan wang, kerana melalui IT ini mereka boleh memantau segala perbelanjaan yang dibuat serta menjangka keperluan pasaran semasa pada masa akan datang.




Anda tentu mengenal apa itu belanja secara online dan sistem bertransaksi secara online bukan?
Kegiatan yang satu ini memang sudah sangat popular di Negara kita. Dalam sebuah kegiatan jual beli secara online, tidak jarang pembayarannya juga hendaklah dilakukan secara online. Namun begitu, terdapat kebaikan dan juga keburukan terhadap kaedah ini. Begitu pula dalam hal sistem pembayaran via online ini. Oleh itu, cuba kita rungkai bersama terlebih dahulu mengenai kelebihan dari sistem pembayaran via online.


1 - Efisien > Berbanding kaedah manual (bersemuka).
                 > Tidak perlu membawa wang yang banyak 
                    (hanya pindahkan wang dari akaun ke 
                    penjual/penerima secara online).
                  > Mudah, banyak transaksi (bil elektrik, tel,
                     air dll).

2 - Pindahan Bank > Transfer bank.


1 - Penipuan (Scam) > Penjual (tidak bersemuka), cepat
                                   percaya harga murah, dll.


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@ Jackie San


5 Benefits of onion for our health and How to use them !


The onion (Allium cepa L., from Latin cepa "onion"), also known as the bulb onion or common onion, is a vegetable that is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Allium. Its close relatives include the garlic, leek, chive, and Chinese onion. 

This genus also contains several other species variously referred to as onions and cultivated for food, such as the Japanese bunching onion (Allium fistulosum), the tree onion (A. xproliferum), and the Canada onion (Allium canadense). The name "wild onion" is applied to a number of Allium species, but A. cepa is exclusively known from cultivation. Its ancestral wild original form is not known, although escapes from cultivation have become established in some regions. The onion is most frequently a biennial or a perennial plant, but is usually treated as an annual and harvested in its first growing season. 

Onions are cultivated and used around the world. As a food item, they are usually served cooked, as a vegetable or part of a prepared savoury dish, but can also be eaten raw or used to make pickles or chutneys. They are pungent when chopped and contain certain chemical substances which irritate the eyes. 




Most of children dislike their pungent and bity flavor, most adults embrace and use onion regularly. For example, red onions contain twice as many anti-oxidants as any other form of onion making them a powerful part of an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle. For that, this article will go over 5 benefits of onions especially red onions and how to use them to get the best results. 

Red onions get their bite from the many sulfur groups they contain. These sulfur groups include the diallyl sulfides: DMS, DDS, DTS and DTTS. These sulfur groups help produce cysteine within the body that aids in weight loss, detoxification and cancer prevention. Additional research has shown that sulfur compounds have a strong anti-oxidant capacity that inhibits blood cell clumping.



1 - GLOWING SKIN: Onion juice mixed with honey or olive oil is said to be best treatment for acne condition.

2- RELIEVES STOMACH ACHE: Onions are said to increase the urge for healthy sexual life. One table spoon or onion juice along with spoonful or ginger juice, taken twice a day can boost the libido and sex drive.

3- PREVENTION CANCER: Onions are rich in active compounds that successfully inhibit the development of cancerous cells.

4- TREATING URINARY DISORDERS: For those suffering from burning sensation during urination, onions can provide considerable relief. The patient should drink water boiled with 7-8 gm of onion.

5- GOOD ORAL HEALTH: Onions are often used to prevent tooth decay and oral infections. Chewing raw onions for 2 - 3 minutes could possibly kill all the germs present in the mouth area.


Articles you must read !!!



@ Jackie San


10 Cara Mudah Tingkatkan Tenaga Batin Tradisional

Tingkatkan Tenaga Batin Mudah Kaedah Tradisional

Terdapat berbagai amalan bagi menjaga kesihatan tenaga batin terbaik untuk diamalkan oleh lelaki terutamanya yang yang berkeinginan untuk berumahtangga. Antara amalan yang boleh dipraktikkan dikongsikan di sini dan Insya Allah membantu meningkatkan prestasi serta Gah Kelakian Pasti Terserlah! Bagi lelaki yang normal ada dua masalah yang mungkin terjadi apabila jimak iaitu :

a). Pancutan air mani sebelum masanya atau Ejakulasi Pramatang. Gejala terjadi dari rasa sensitif yang melebihi normal pada saraf-saraf kelamin atau nafsu jimak yang tinggi dan tidak mampu mengawalnya. Rasa ngilu yang berlebihan itu terjadi apabila lelaki banyak makan makanan sejuk.

b). Zakar tidak cukup ketegangannya atau Disfungsi Erektil akibat tidak menjaga makan, tidak berpantang dan tidak melakukan senaman. Zakar yang lembik mungkin tidak dapat menusuk ke faraj, tidak mampu untuk memuaskan isteri dan mungkin akan memanuctkan air mani sebelum tiba masanya.

Nafsu jimak yang tinggi terjadi bila terlalu banyak makan makanan yang panas. Cara paling baik untuk mengatasi dua ekstrem ini ialah dengan latihan fizikal dan jika di Barat menerusi konsultasi psikologi. Ini bermakna, lelaki teruna bukanlah semestinya tahan dalam jimak malah kemungkinan berlakunya pancutan mani sebelum masa adalah lebih besar.

Ini mungkin timbul dari dua faktor penting bagi terunan iaitu rasa ghairah yang tinggi yang sukar dikawal kerana 'barang yang haram menjadi halal' dan juga kerana kurang pengahuuan yang mengakibatkan sukar bagi menyesuaikan tempo jimak, rangsangan jimak, posisi jimak, masa jimak serta kawalan psikologi untuk mendatangkan hasil yang dihajatkan.

Gejala zakar lembik mungkin terjadi pada semua peringkat umur. Ia paling mudah terjadi di kalangan lelaki yang suka memakan makanan sejuk dan berat badan melebihi normal. Bagi lelaki lain ia mungkin bersebab dari kurang senaman dan cara tidur malam yang tidak betul. Kes yang lebih gawat dari itu ialah tulang belakang yang terhentak atau saraf tunjang yang tersekat, menyebabkan saraf penegangan zakar tidak berfungsi penuh.

Aspek-aspek psikologi sebagai ubat tidak dibincangkan secara amat terperinci di Timur, tidak seperti di Barat. Kaedah rawatan di Timur lebih banyak menekankan aspek fizikal. Aspek psikologi banyak dibincangkan di Barat mungkin kerana di sana ramai manusia mengalami tekanan jiwa kehidupan metropolitan dan rasa marah atau benci atau cemburu kepada pasangan kerap berlaku kerana gejalan kebebasan seks.

Di Timur pada masa dahulu, perkara ini jarang berlaku. Namun satu perkara perlu diingat iaitu 'Percaya bahawa anda boleh menjayakannya maka anda boleh melakukannya dengan izin Allah'. Keyakinan dapat mengubati kelemahan yang ada. Di samping usaha-usaha fizikal yang dicatatkan maka paling baik agar berdoa kepada Allah agar dikurniakan kekuatan dan ketahanan.


Dikongsikan di sini 10 cara mudah bagi menjaga kesihatan tenaga batin. 

1). Cara Tidur
Semasa mahu tidur, duduk di atas kedua telapak kaki (seperti duduk antara dua sujud) dan dengan perlahan cuba rebahkan badan lurus ke belakang. Kemudian dari posisi itu, cuba bangun semula dengan perlahan tanpa pertolongan tangan. Kemudian baringlah. Sambil meletakkan kedua tangan hampir dengan mulut, baca Surah Al-Fatihan, Surah An-Nas, Surah Al-Falaq dan Surah Ikhlas kemudian sapu dengan tapak tangan itu anggota badan yang tercapai oleh tangan selain dari kemaluan hadapan serta belakang.

Ketika tidur, adalah lebih baik memakai kain sarung dan tidak memakai celana dalam (seluar dalam). Ini adalah bagi membolehkan darah mengalir dengan lancar di sekitar zakar serta pinggang semasa tidur. Tidurlah dengan mengiring di atas lambung kanan kerana ia mempunyai faedah kesihatan.

2). Cara Makan
Tenaga berkurangan dan tidak bertambah tetapi ada cara bagi membangkitkan semula tenaga dan melambatkan proses berkurangnya tenaga. Menurut orang Melayu lama, mula-mula makan sebuku kecil garam, ia dapat menghindarkan berbagai penyakit. Setiap kali mahu mula makan kepalkan sebanyak 3 kepal nasi. Semasa mahu menyuapkan nasi ke mulut maka baca:

- Bagi suapan pertama : 'Bismillah'
- Bagi suapan kedua : 'Bismillahir rahmaan'
- Bagi suapan ketiga : 'Bismillahir rahmanir rahiim' - untuk suapan ketiga itu, hembuskan atau tiup tiga kali hingga air ludah memercik sambil mengucapkan Syifa' (ertinya ubat) sebanyak 3 kali.

Ketika makan, kunyah makanan sehingga lumat dan jangan berulam air di antara suapan melainkan jika tercekik. Apabila selesai makan maka ambil dan makan sebiji kecil garam. Kemudiannya, tunggu hingga nasi turun ke perut barulah minum air.

Nota: Bacaan Bismillah bagi tiga suapan pertama itu adalah serupa sebagaimana yang diajarkan oleh Imam Al-Ghazali tetapi mengepal nasi dan kemudian menghembuskan sambil membaca Syifa'.


3). Sarapan Pertama
Diajarkan oleh orang Melayu lama supaya mengamalkan makan Kulit Kayu Manis (kira-kira seinci panjangnya) atau sebiji Cengkih sebelum sarapan pagi. Ini bagi mengeraskan zakar.

4). Cara Mandi
Ampu atau pegang buah zakar dari bawah ke atas, sebaiknya menekup hingga seluruh batang zakar agar tidak terkena air siraman pertama. Sirami dahulu dua kepala lutut dengan air kemudian barulah sirami kepala, lantas teruskan mandi dengan menekup zakar secara yang tersebut.

5). Cara Buang Air Besar
Di katakan bahawa cara ini patut diamalakan terutama pada ketika pagi. Buang air kecil dahulu hingga habis dan kemudian baharu buang air besar. jangan ditahan diri dari buang air besar kerana ini akan memudaratkan badan. Bila hendak buang air besar maka kepilkan kedua belah tangan dicelali pelipat antara betis dan paha. Jongketkan kaki kanan, kaki kiri tetap seperti biasa. Dengan cara ini makan berat badan akan tertumpu ke sebelah kiri. Semasa meneran maka kacipkan gigi bawah ke gigi atas. Cara di atas mirip kepada apa yang diajarkan oleh Islam.


6). Cara Buang Air Kecil
Buang air kecil di kala awal pagi mengakibatkan perubahan suhu yang mendadak pada pundi kencing lamas pada zakar. Cara yang dinyatakan ini di katakan dapat mengelakkan angin pasang dan membantu memanaskan serta mengeraskan  batang zakar. Caranya ialah, cari buluh yang mana lubangnya lebih besar dan panjang dari saiz zakar ketika tegang keringkan dan simpan buluh tersebut. Bila mahu buang  air di kala pagi maka masukkan batang zakar ke dalamnya dan buang air di dalam buluh tersebut. Biarkan zakar berendam di dalam buluh sekadar 10 saat, barulah basuh zakar serta buluh tersebut sebersih-bersihnya. Di katakan juga, jika tiada buluh maka memadai menadah air kencing itu dengan tangan kiri dan kemudian mandikan batang zakar dengan air itu dan basuh. Ada juga petua bahawa semasa melepaskan air kencing itu, jangan dilepaskan sekaligus, tapi lepaskan sedikit dahulu, tahan dan kemudian baliani dilepaskan semuanya.


7). Cara Meminum Air Waktu Pagi
Air yang diminum ialah Air Masak Sejuk, diminum di kala pagi dalam kedudukan seperti orang mahu merangkak. Sebelum minum tarik nafas. Tahan nafas ketika meneguk (jangan dihembuskan ke dalam gelas). Tegakkan kepala ketika meneguknya, bukan menunggangkan gelas. Minum cara ini dikatakan dapat melegakan kerongkong serta berupaya membersihkan usus perut dari kekotoran dan kahak yang terkumpul semasa tidur. Ia dibersihkan sebagai penyediaan untuk keesokkan harinya.

8). Mengesatkan Kepala Zakar
Praktik ini bertujuan untuk mengurangkan sensitiviti pada kepala zakar dan memberi latihan kepada saraf-saraf yang berhubung dengannya agar biasa dengan rasa kengiluan yang tinggi. Rasa ngilu adalah antara sebab mengapa mani boleh terpancut lebih awal. Kepala zakar yang lebih kesat juga akan menambahkan kelazatan kepada isteri. Caranya ialah, mulakan dengan duduk seperti mahu bersila tetapi kedua tapak kaki ditemukan. Tangan kiri memegang kaki kiri dan tangan kanan memegang batang zakar (paling baik ialah bila zakar tegang di waktu pagi). Tarik nafas, kemutkan otot zakar, dekatkan kaki kiri ke kepala zakar dan geselkan telapak kaki ke kepala zakar ke arah lubang kencing, satu hala saja. Ulangilah hingga 3 kali geselan. Boleh juga diulangi hingga terasa ngilu barulah berhenti.

9). Menajamkan Zakar
Biji zakar yang keras akan menambahkan nikmat kepada isteri dan menegangkan zakar serta melambatkan pancutan mani. Untuk itu, zakar harus ditajamkan untuk mengeluarkan Biji Zakar hingga dirasakan ia menonjolkan ke hujung kepala zakar apabila zakar tegang. Cara menajamkannya ialah apabila bangun tidur, duduk dan temukan kedua-dua tapak kaki. Sebaiknya zakar masih tegang semasa melakukan latihan ini. Tarik nafas dalam-dalam sambil menekan kedua-dua lutut dengan tapak tangan. Cuba tekan lutut itu hingga jejak ke lantai tapi jangan dipaksa. Pada masa itu, kendalikan otot zakar (otot-otot pengemut kencing) dengan mengemutkannya. Jika zakar masih tegang maka pastikan bahawa kepala zakar menjadi besar dan berkilat apabila otot itu dikemutkan. Cara kedududkan semasa melakukan ini ditunjukkan di dalam Senaman Harimau Langkah Yang Kdua. 


10). Cara Mengurut Zakar
Bila bangun pagi sebelum buang air kecil, sebaiknya semasa zakar iaitu masih tegang, ambillah air liur basi dari langit-langit menggunakan ibu jari kanan. Kemudian Selawat ke atas nabi Muhammad S.A.W. tiga kali berturut-turut. Bawa perut ibu jari itu ke kepala zakar lalu urut sekali lalu dari kepala zakar menghala ke lubang kencing. Gerakan ini membantu menyegarkan kepala zakar dan agar tidak mudah ngilu ketika jimak.


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@ Jackie San




-Is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person (the gift of life). A decision to donate your blood can save a life, or even several if your blood is separated into its components (red cells, platelets and plasma) - which can be used individually for patients with specific conditions.

-There are four basic types of blood (A, B, AB, and O) - each with a positive and negative sub-type. O positive is the most common type, with AB negative being the least common. The letter designation of the blood type indicates which antigens are present in the blood cell.


-Mentioned before, there are four main blood groups (types of blood): A, B, AB and O. Your group is determined by the genes you inherit from your parents.

- Each group can be either RhD positive or RhD negative, which means your blood group can be one of the eight types.

-Red blood cells sometimes have another antigen, a protein known as the RhD antigen. If this is present, your blood group is RhD positive. If it's absent, your blood group is RhD negative. This means you can be one of eight blood groups:

> A RhD Positive (A+)

> A RhD Negative (A-)

> B RhD Positive (B+)

> B RhD Negative (B-)

> O RhD Positive (O+)

> O RhD Negative (O-)

> AB RhD Positive (AB+)

> AB RhD Negative (AB-)

In addition to these there is also the HH group. the peculiarity is that they do not express the H antigen. As a result they cannot form A antigens or B antigens on their red blood cells. Thus they can donate blood to anybody with ABO grouping but can receive blood only from Bombay Blood Group people. This blood phenotype was first discovered in Bombay, now known as Mumbai, in India (by Dr. Y. M. Bhende in 1952 hence the name Bombay Blood Group).


( Safe Blood Saves Lives And Improves Health). 
   Blood Transfusion Is Needed For:

  1. Many complex medical and surgical procedures and cancer patients;
  2. People with severe trauma following man-made and natural disasters;
  3. Women with complications of pregnancy, such as ectopic pregnancies and haemorrhage before, during or after childbirth and;
  4. Children with severe anaemia often resulting from malaria or malnutrition.

It is also needed for regular transfusions for people with conditions such as thalassaemia and sickle cell disease and is used to make products such as clotting factors for people with haemophilia.

There is a constant need for regular blood supply because blood can be stored for only a limited time before use. Regular blood donations by a sufficient number of healthy people are needed to ensure that safe blood will be available whenever and wherever it is needed.

Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another (the gift of life). A decision to donate your blood can save a life, or even several if your blood is separated into its components (red cells, platelets and plasma) - which can be used individually for patients with specific conditions.


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@ Jackie San


4 Reasons why is fasting important ?


Is also considered a form of spiritual cleansing where abstaining from subtenance and bad habits is a way of cleaning oneself from the wicked desires and sins of mankind. Fasting is very important to Muslims because not only does it symbolize loyalty to one's faith, but it wholly requires self-control and commitment to do.

Ramadhan is an important holiday to Muslims because it is one of the most major holidays and it incorporates fasting, which is one of the main practices in the Islamic religion.

Fasting has to do with a form of worship where Muslims resign themselves from every day enjoyment, like food and water, as an act of worship to God. During Ramadhan, Muslims fast in order to ask for forgiveness for sins of their past.

Fasting is also considered a form of spiritual cleansing where abstaining from sustenance and bad habits is a way of cleaning oneself from the wicked desires and sins of mankind. Fasting is very important to Muslims because not only does it symbolize loyalty to one''s faith, but it wholly requires self-control and commitment to do.

In the Islam canon, Ramadhan is a holiday that refers to the Qu'ran, the Islam holy text, that describes a month in which Muhammad, the Islamic prophet, conceived the initial verses.

Ramadhan has always been a passionate time for Muslims of all ages. Very young children even take part in the fasting, and the holiday is also considered important because it is recognized in the Muslim tradition as a time of brotherhood among Muslims, where communal closeness is encouraged and people celebrate their faith.


When fasting, you can feel good physically and mentally after having fasted. It makes you focus on the essential and leave far behind the trivia.

When fast, it brings our closer to God. It allows us to grow spiritually. It allows us to purify our body and our mind and to become humble towards the tough condition of life of the poor starving people in the world.

The fast enables us to be superior to ourselves physically and mentally by becoming patient towards our own needs (the hunger, the thirst, the sexual intercourses).



1 - Abundant Reward

The reward one achieves because of fasting is so big that it cannot be compared to the difficulty he experiences when avoiding his desires for short moment. The reward given for fasting is more than that of other acts of worship. According to a Hadith Qudsi (divine saying):

"Every righteous act is rewarded ten times or a hundred times more except for fasting which is Mine and I will be its reward."

2 - Banishing Satan

Once the Prophet asked his companions, "Do you want me to tell you of an act that if you act upon it will distance Satan from you, the way the east is distant from the west?" When they all showed interest, he mentioned three acts: Loving for the sake of God, giving charity, and fasting were tools to defeat Satan. As the Prophet said, "Fasting is a shield against the hellfire."

3 - Accessing the mysteries

Imam Ali said, "God has placed five effects in five things: Respect in obedience, abjection in diobedience, wisdom and knowledge in hunger, solemnity in the night prayer, and richness in contentment."

Hunger (or fasting) is said to be the place where wisdom is placed by the means of which a person can reach knowledge. In another hadith, Imam Ali says he is shocked by a person who tries to seek knowledge with a full stomach.

4 - Attracting God's mercy and love

According the Prophet, God likes it when people lessen their speech, food intake, and sleep and dislikes over-eating, over-sleeping, and excessive talking. The Prophet also said there is nothing more detested by God than a full stomach.

Normally, during the Month of Ramadhan, we are more likely to succeed in repenting, purifying ourselves, helping others, and being patient, as these are acts that earns us God's love. It does not come as a surprise then that God appoints a group of angels to take care of those who fast.

Imam Sadiq said: "He who fasts in the warmth of the day for the sake of God and bears thirst and hunger, God appoints a thousand angels to touch him with love and give him glad tidings that when he breaks his fast God will tell him how he looks and smells. My angels! Be witnesses that I have forgiven him."

On another occasion, Imam Sadiq said, "There are two moments of joy for a fasting person: one is when [they day finished and] he breaks his fast and the other when he meets his Lord."

Fasting is also the best of patience. Imam Sadiq interpreted the term patience in the verse 2.45s as fasting. When patience is interpreted as fasting, the reward appointed for it is given for fasting as well:

"Indeed the patient will be paid in full their reward without any reckoning." (39:10)

Although our entire existence is from God and it is only with his help that we can fast, still God is extremely loving and fasting is so special that for every breath a person takes in the month of fasting and for every moment of his sleep he will be rewarded. The Prophet said:

"He who fasts a day voluntarily, even if he is given gold as much as this world, still he has not received his reward completely, and it will only be completed on the Day of Judgement."

The High Position of Those Who Fast

The biggest source of happiness for believers is when God accepts and loves them. Fasting opens a door to the love of God and puts people under His attention. The Prophet said, "Indeed, God has appointed angels to pray for those who fast."

In another narration, the Prophet said that if angels are appointed to pray for a group of people, their prayer will be definitely accepted by God. The Prophet also said, "I swear by He in whose hands lies my life, the change in the smell of a fasting person's mouth is more likable to God than the smell of musk."

Of course, God will show more mercy to a person gives up on his desires for a while for His sake and submits his will to the will of God. Imam Ali said: "When a person fasts, his sleep will be counted as worship, his silence as tasbih (glorification of God), his prayers will be answered and his acts will be rewarded twice. Without a doubt, his prayers when he breaks his fast will be granted."

The Prophet said: "Indeed, there is a special entrance to heaven called Rayyan from which no one will enter except for the people who fast."

Therefore, fasting has many benefits, such as helping us tolerate our difficulties easier and making us better people who are worthy of God's love and mercy and this is why fasting has been considered as one of the best acts of worship that existed in all divine religions.




@ Jackie San

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