
What Are The Current Social Problems In The World ?

Social Problems Are...

The general factors that affect and damage society. Also known as social issues sometimes. A social problem is normally a term used to describe problems with a particular area or group of people in the world. It also affects how people react to certain situations. Examples can include here are:

1- Anti Social Behavior

2- Poverty

3- Prostitution

4- Racial Discrimination

5- Alcohol Abuse

6- Economic Deprivation

7- Political Corruption

8- Unemployment

9- Sexual Abuse

10- Stress (Rape, Early Pregnancy, Female Genital Mutilation)

11- Animal Abuse

12- The Shortage Of Schools

13- Bullying

14- Obesity

15- High Crime Rate

Marlow is officially the most deprived and worst place of living in the United Kingdom due to its social problems and factors of live. The town was given this particular position because of its frequent social problems, including: High levels of crime, high levels of unemployment, high levels of urban poverty, high levels of drug abuse and the lowest income on average in the country.

For example in year 2009, Adair Country had 137 DUI arrests, 160 liquor law violations, 131 drug arrests and 24 methamphetamine laboratory seizures in year 2009 (Behavioral Health Profile for Adair Country, 2011, p. 1). The manufacture of methamphetamine has been particularly problematic for rural Missouri. Missouri is the number one state in the country for methamphetamine trafficking. In year 2002, one of every six methamphetamine labs confiscated in the United States was Missouri (Gundy, 2006, p. 7). According to the Kirksville Police Department, methamphetamine is their number one crime problem. This high prevalence of methamphetamine abuse leads to 40% of school dropouts in Adair Country (Gundy, 2006, 0. 7).

The main cause of social problems is because of unemployment, which is also a social problem itself. Many industrial towns in England were booming in the mid 20th century because of their shipbuilding and mining industries. When these places were shut down in the year 1980's the unemployment rate reached its highest point in English history. The lack of money in these areas attracted other social problems and therefore social and economic development in these areas was stunted.

@ Jackie San

1 件のコメント:

  1. https://www.jacknjillscute.com/2021/01/what-are-current-social-problems-in.html


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