
COVID -19: New Cluster In Sarawak Come From Sibu

KUCHING ( February 27, 2021 ): 

The Sarawak Health Department has declared another new COVID -19 Cluster come from Sibu, according to the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC/JPBN) yesterday.

It said the Buloh Cluster (New Cluster, From Sibu) are involving the community in three (3) longhouses in the Sungai Buloh area in the Selangor district in Sibu. The case index for the cluster was a 32-year-old local woman who was detected through symptomatic screening on February 21, 2021 after she experienced symptoms of COVID -19 since February 17, 2021.

" The spread of infection occurred through close association among the residents in the longhouses involved. The results of detection and screening on close contacts to this case found that there was an increase of 27 new cases detected.

" To date, there are 27 clusters that are still active throughout Sarawak," the department said in a statement today, February 28, 2021.

There was also a new COVID -19 fatality in Sarawak State today, bringing the death toll in the state to 81 people. In addition, a total of 255 cases of new COVID -19 infections were detected and reported in Sarawak today, bringing the total to 9,374 cases of COVID -19.

Meanwhile, the immunisation programme for rural areas in Sarawak will be implemented on a large scale starting in April 2020, announced by Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, who is also the chairman of JPBN.

He told Bernama that currently, the vaccination registration process is ongoing in the Sarawak State.

The programme in the Sarawak State began on February 26, 2021 (Friday), except for the Northern part of the Sarawak State which will start next week, involving more than 2.2 million people in Sarawak, adding that the exercise is expected to be completed in August, 2021.








@ Jackie San


Kes Kematian Akibat Vaksin COVID - 19 Isu Panas

Gempar Di Seluruh Dunia...

Golongan yang ura - uranya menolak vaksin yang kononnya mengaitkan kes kematian subjek ke atas kajian Vaksin COVID -19 dari Prizer. 

Sesungguhnya ramai pula yang mempertikaikan mereka ini. Yang menjadi persoalan adalah mereka yang membuat pertikaian itu tidak membaca dengan teliti berkenaan laporan yang tular di media dan surat khabar.

Setakat 24 Februari 2021 ( Rabu), terdapat enam (6) kematian telah berlaku:

a). Dua (2) dari kalangan yang menerima Vaksin COVID - 19,

b). Empat (4) dari kalangan yang tidak menerima Vaksin COVID - 19.

Disebabkan itu, ada kumpulan kawalan dalam kajian klinikal. Bagi memastikan keputusannya adil. Empat (4) kes kematian adalah dari Kumpulan Plasebo (Kumpulan yang tidak menerima Vaksin COVID - 19). Dua (2) dari Kumpulan Vaksin COVID - 19. Siasatan terhadap punca kematian adalah berkaitan dengan serangan penyakit jantung dan juga Atherosclerosis (iaitu juga berkaitan jenis serangan jantung terhadap mangsa tersebut). Jarak kematian adalah amat jauh dari jangka masa beliau (mangsa) menjalankan aktiviti mencucuk suntikan Vaksin COVID - 19. Tetapi kes masih dalam siasatan dan kajian.

Inilah yang dinamakan kaedah kajian, iaitu case control study. Bermaksud siapa yang didedahkan dengan virus, empat (4) orang yang tidak menerima vaksin meninggal dunia berbanding dengan penerima vaksin. Analisis lanjut turut mendapati, kematian dua (2) orang itu bukan punca secara langsung dari Vaksin COVID - 19, tetapi penyaki serangan jantung dan juga Atherosclerosis (salur darah mengeras) yang mereka hadapi. Ini dinamakan temporal relationship. Namun ianya akan dicatat dalam laporan, inilah ketelusan dalam menjalankan ujian dan kajian. Tetapi ada sahaja anti-vaksin yang tidak mahu terima penjelasan, mereka mengatakan yang mati disebabkan oleh COVID -19 itu sengaja direka. Sebenarnya mereka memang mempunyai penyakit dan dibuat uji kaji serta kajian terperinci. 

Kita sebagai manusia biasa harus ingat bahawa, kajian klinikal setiap ubat termasuk juga Vaksin ada etikanya, metodologi dan juga protokol tersendiri. Semuanya akan dicatat (berkaitan data) walau apa peristiwa yang berlaku sekali pun. Jika benar ianya disebabkan vaksin, maka ianya dicatat dan akan dianalisa dengan telus. Jika benar - benar ianya berbahaya melebihi kepentingan penggunaan vaksin, ianya wajib dihentikan segera program vaksinasi.

Persoalannya: Kenapa Vaksin yang sudah lama dalam jadual Imunisasi Kebangsaan kita itu kenapa sehingga kini tak mahu dicucuk ????

Semuanya itu telah pun berpuluh - puluh tahun dalam pasaran dan sudah jelas berjaya melindungi anak - anak kita dari penyakit - penyakit berbahaya. Setiap tahun 8 juta dos vaksin digunakan di Negara Malaysia (Tercinta ini), tiada timbul sekalipun masalah.

Persoalan lagi: Produk kesihatan yang anti-vaksin dijual dan sudah jelas melepasi kajian hakiki ke tak? Kenapa kita sebagai pengguna sanggup untuk membeli dan menggunakannya ???Tak terfikir akibatnya kelak ker????

Sungguh Bodoh Sebenarnya...

Tepuk Dada Jawablah Sendiri Jika Anda Yang Mempersoalkannya Bijak Sangat Dan Terpelajar Kononnya !!!

@ Jackie San


Easy Make Money With Google AdSense

Google AdSense is an advertising program that allows you to run ads on your website, blog, or YouTube videos and get paid when visitors click on them. The ads are generated from businesses that use Google's AdWords Program that you feed using a special AdSense code onto your blog or website.

For new websites or blogs, the Google AdSense program can be one of the fastest ways to generate income, which is why it's so popular.

What Pros & Cons of Making Money With Google AdSense ?

The Google AdSense program has several great advantages including:

a. It's free to join.

b. Eligibility requirements are easy, which means you can monetize your website or blog even when it's new.

c. Google pays monthly by direct deposit if you meet the $ 100 threshold.

d. There is a variety of ad options and several that you can customize to fit the look and feel of your site.

e. You can run ads on several websites from one AdSense account.

f. There are options to run ads on mobile devices and RSS feeds.

g. You can easily add it to your Blogger and YouTube accounts, although with YouTube, you'll need to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time to run AdSense on your videos.

With that said, there are a few drawbacks to AdSense as well:

a. It doesn't necessarily pay more than other similar ad programs.

b. When people click on an AdSense ad, you make some money, but your visitor also leaves your site, which means you lose the opportunity to make money with higher-paying affiliate products or your own products and services.

c. Like all forms of online income, you need traffic in order to make money.

d. Google can terminate your account in an instant, and it's not very forgiving if you break the rules.

AdSense is a great monetization option, but it's not a get-rich-quick or make-money-doing-nothing program. Further, Google has rules that some bloggers seem to miss when reading the terms of service. As a result, many website owners have found out the hard way that they'd violated a Google policy and have lost their account forever.

What Types Of AdSense Ads ?

Google offers a variety of ad types to run on your website, including:

a. Text: Text ads use words, either as an Ad Unit (one offer) or a Link Unit (list of offers), and come in a variety of sizes. You can customize the color of the box, text, and link.

b. Animated Image.

c. Images: Image ads are graphic ads. They come in a variety of sizes. You can choose an ad feed option that mixes both text and image ads.

d. Video.

e. AdSense for Search :This allows you to have a Google search box on your website or blog. When a user enters a term and conducts a search, a search results page opens with AdSense ads. You can customize the color scheme of the search results page to harmonize with your website.

What Means Google AdSense Payments ?

Google pays through direct deposit or check each month your earnings reach or exceed $100. If you don't earn $100 in one month, your earnings roll over and are added to the next month. Each time you reach the $100 threshold. Google will issue a payment on the next payment period. Through your AdSense account you can see your current earnings, what ads are generating the most clicks, and other helpful data.

How To Make Money With Google AdSense ?

Making a significant amount of money with AdSense requires a plan. Here are tips for maximizing AdSense revenue:

a. Read and adhere to Google's rules :

Webmasters must comply with Google's webmaster policies, as well as the AdSense program policy.

b. Have great content your target market wants to read:

Ultimately, money is made, whether through AdSense or other monetization methods, by providing valuable content and quality traffic to your blog or website.

c. Use honest, organic traffic-building website marketing techniques :

Search engine optimization and article marketing are effective in getting free traffic to your site.

d. Make sure your website/blog is optimized for mobile (responsive) :

The number of people who use mobile devices is high. Also make sure you're using responsive ads so Google can send appropriate ad sizes to mobile devices viewing your site.

e. Don't click on your own ads or ask others to click on them :

Incentivizing clicks, buying Pay Per Click (PPC) space, or using a program designed to drive traffic to AdSense pages are against the rules. Remember, Google isn't very forgiving about breaking the rules, so be sure to adhere to them.

f. Max out your ad placement :

You're allowed three standard ad placements per page. Use them all for maximum benefit.

g. Test ad types and placement to find the options that lead to the most income:

Start with standard sizes (300 x 250, 728 x 90, and 160 x 600), and then switch them out to see if one size leads to more clicks than another.

h. Have a leader board ad below your header / logo :

Instead of putting an ad at the very top of the page, put it near your logo where it's more likely to be noticed.

i. Have ads above the fold :

This is the section of your page that is viewable without scrolling.

j. Include in-content ads for visibility :

This means having ads within your articles, which can increase clicks because they'll be seen during the course of reading the post.

k. Monitor your results :

Google can overwhelm you with tools and feedback but do your best to analyze your data to see what it says about your results so you can make the most of your effort.

l. Read email from Google :

This can be especially important if Google is sending a warning about something it doesn't like on your site. Failure to deal with Google's complaints will lead to termination in the program.

What Are Advanced AdSense ?

Once you have ads running on your site, you'll want to make sure you are getting the most of your AdSense program. Here are some additional tips to consider when you're ready to boost your AdSense income:

a. Run Experiments :

You can A/B test your ads through AdSense.

b. Experiment with link and box colors :

If your colors match your theme, consider changing them up to see if it impacts results.

c. Enable Placement Targeting :

This allows advertisers to choose where their ads appear.

d. Set Up Custom Channels :

This gives you a better sense of what's working and not working to generate income on your site.

How To Dealing With Competitors' Or Questionable Advertisements ?

If you offer products or services on your website, you may find that some ads Google delivers come from your competitors. Another issue that can occur is ads that may not be completely legitimate or they might offend your market. To prevent these offers from showing up on your site, Google AdSense allows you to block up to 200 URLs from appearing on your site. The challenge of blocking URLs is two-fold.

1. Since you can't click on our own links (to get the URL), you need to be careful about obtaining the URL to block. The best way to get the link so you can block it in AdSense is to right-click the link, select Copy Link Address, and paste it into a document or text editor (i.e., Notepad). The Google URL is long, but within it is the URL of the page the ad goes to. Copy that URL and past it into your AdSense blocked ads account.

What Are Other Programs Besides AdSense ?

There are may ad network programs similar to AdSense, such as Media.net and InfoLinks. Some might require a traffic threshold, so you need to wait until your website is established ang getting regular traffic before being accepted.

Most have similar rules to Google, such as a limit to the number of the network's ads per page (usually three), and termination for clicking your own ads. In most cases, you can run multiple ad networks on your site without violating terms of service, but you'll want to read the rules of each network before doing it. Further, you want to avoid your site becoming so overwhelmed with ads that your readers can't find the content.

How To Create Other Income Besides Ad Networks ?

Ad networks, especially AdSense, are great options because you can join as a new blogger or website owner, and they are easy to use. But they're not the only ways to make money from your website. In fact, as your site traffic grows, other monetization options might be better. Here are some other money-making ideas you can use instead of, or along with, ad networks.

1# Affiliate Marketing :Like ad networks, affiliate programs are usually free to join and easy to add to your website.

2# Sell Your Own Product Or Service :Creating your own product or service, as opposed to promoting someone else's through affiliate marketing, can earn you significantly more money. This is especially true with information products or online courses that are inexpensive to create and sell. Other options include ebooks and freelance services.

3# Coaching or Consulting :As an expert in your topic, you're in a good position to help people beyond the information you provide on your website or blog. You can offer more in-depth help through coaching or consulting.

4# Sponsors :When you have a good amount of traffic and influence over your audience, other companies will pay to sponsor your website. They can sponsor your entire site or a single page or post.

As you can see, there are many ways to earn income from a website or blog. But many require that you have significant traffic before you'll make money. This is where AdSense is a good beginning monetization option. You don't have to create anything, you can join the day you start your blog or website, it's free, and it's easy to add the ad code to your website.

@ Jackie San

Why Too Many people Still Reject COVID - 19 Vaccines ?

Why Rejected COVID -19 Vaccines ?

If you're feeling impatient waiting your turn for a COVID -19 vaccine, here's a little good news for your info : Angela Padgett will gladly give you her place in line -  at least for now. Padgett, president of a day spa in Raleigh, N.C., is under no illusions about the mortal danger the pandemic poses in July 2020. But as for the vaccine that is supposed to put an end to all of the suffering at last? Not Today.

" I am a little bit hesitant, " Angela says. " I can appreciate President Trump trying to get this moving fast and I've taken pretty much every vaccine for other diseases. But I think it was rushed through very early, very quickly. So I would like a little more data."

Padgett is not alone. According to a December 2020 reports and survey undertaken by the Pew Research Center, nearly 40% of Americans say they will definitely not or probably not get the COVID -19 vaccine when it becomes available to them. Gallup polls put the number of 37%. That's bad news not just for the vaccine refusers themselves but for the public as a whole. Experts including Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, had previously concluded that achieving herd immunity - the point at which a population is sufficiently vaccinated that a spreading virus can't find enough new hosts - would require anywhere from 60% to 70% of Americans to take the vaccines. But lately, he and others have been inching that number upward, now estimating that herd immunity could require as much as 85% vaccine coverage.

The holdouts have multiple reasons for their reluctance. There are, of course, the dead-enders in the anti-vax community, for whom no vaccine is safe or acceptable. There is, too, a fraction peddling conspiracy theories about the COVID -19 vaccines in particular. As one falsely goes, the disease is caused by 5G cell towers, so a vaccine would be useless against it. (The rumor has been repeatedly debunked on Snopes.com and other sites). Another spuriously claims the vaccines are a plot by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - or, alternately, Elon Musk - to inject microchips into Americans. That last one - debunked here, here and elsewhere - has gained enough traction in the fever - swamp corners of the Internet that it prompted a rare acknowledgement from Bill Gates himself. " It doesn't help that there are false conspiracy theories about vaccines.

But most people in the COVID -19 vaccine hesitancy camp are more rational, more measured - informed enough not to believe the crazy talk, but worried enough not to want to be at the head of the link for a new vaccine. " For first responders and for older people with underlying conditions it's a godsend," says Padgett. " But I do believe this was rushed. I'm reasonably healthy. Six months to a year just to get more data on it is what I'd need to be vaccinated."

For all the urgency to get as many vaccines into as many arms as possible, the reluctance of such a large swath of the population to be among the early adopters is not completely without merit.

Finally there are the side effects. Anaphylaxis - or a severe allergic reaction - is possible with any vaccine, though medical protocols call for people who have received the shot to wait 15 minutes before they leave so that they can be treated if they do have a reaction. More troubling are spotty reports of Bell's palsy - partial facial paralysis - following COVID -19 vaccinations. But those numbers are exceedingly small. One false Facebook posting purported to be from a nurse in Nashville who got the vaccine and suffered Bell's palsy, but that too has been debunked, as repeated searches have turned up no nurse in the Tennessee health system under that name. All the same, it sparked outsized fear of a real but minimal risk.

" There were four cases of Bell's palsy within a month or month and a half in the Pfizer trial out of 22,000 recipients," Offit says. " So that works out to roughly eight per 10,000 per year. " Such a case count may be low, but it does exceed the average background rate of Bell's palsy in the general population, which is 1.2 per 10,000 per year, Offit says. Other sources put the incidence as a somewhat higher 2.3 per 10,000.

Armed with numbers like that, however, humans are not always terribly good at calculating risk. On the one hand even an eight in 10,000 chance of contracting facial paralysis does sound scary; on the other hand, about one out every, 1,000 American was killed by COVID -19 this past year (2020). The mortal arithmetic here is easy to do - and argues strongly in favor of getting the shots.

So too does the way the vaccines were developed - which is actually not as rushed as the calendar would make it seem. The Pfizer - BioTech and Moderna vaccines both use mRNA - or messenger RNA - to prompt the body to produce a coronavirus spike protein, which then triggers an immune response. That is a novel method for making a vaccine, but the basic research was by no means conducted within the last year.

@ Jackie San


The Most Common Side Effects People Report After Getting COVID -19 Vaccine

The Centers for Disease and Prevention reported the most common side effects after receiving shots of Pfizer's COVID - 19 vaccines.

The data is based on submissions to the agency's text messaging system v-safe and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, a national vaccine safety surveillance program. The analysis used data from the first month of vaccinations, between December 14, 2020 and January 13, 2021., when thee were more than 13.7 million doses administered in Americans.

The CDC also announced there were 6,994 reports of so-called adverse events after vaccination, including 6,354 that were classified as "non-serious" and 640 as "serious," which included 113 deaths. The median age of vaccine recipients was 42, according to the VAERS data, and the majority of adverse events occurred in women.

The most common side effects after getting the vaccines were headache, fatigue and dizziness, followed by chills and nausea. The CDC said people also reported muscle aches, fever, joint pain and pain at the injection site.

For the Prizer vaccine, reactions were more frequent after the second dose than the first, according to the v-safe data. The CDC said the reported rate of fever and chills was more than four (4) times higher after the second dose than after the first.

What Are The Most Frequently Side Effects ?

a. Headache

b. Dizziness

c. Chills

d. Nausea

e. Fatigue

There were 46 reports of anaphylaxis, a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction, from those who received Pfizer's vaccine and 16 cases for those who received Moderna's, according and reported by the CDC. The agency also announced the occurrence of the reaction is in the range of those reported for the influenza vaccine. 

Out of the 113 deaths reported, two-thirds occurred in long-term care facilities.

Medical experts also reported the side effects for vaccines are common and are actually an indication the shots are working as intended. Many physicians are advising the public to brace for some stronger-than-usual side effects from the COVID -19 shots, especially after the second dose.

Both Pfizer and Moderna have acknowledged that their vaccines could induce side effects that are similar to symptoms associated with mild COVID -19, such as muscle pain, chills and headache. While the side effects may be unpleasant, physicians say the vaccines are safe.

The CDC also recommends talking to a doctor about taking over-the-counter medicine if one experiences pain or discomfort after getting the shots.





@ Jackie San




Kesatuan Perkhidmatan Perguruan Kebangsaan (NUTP) amat berharap peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) yang telahpun dijalankan kelmarin (22 Februari 2021, Isnin) tidak menjadi isu dan ianya harus diteruskan meskipun ada kebimbangan peningkatan kes COVID -19 sejak akhir - akhir ini dan kemungkinan akan wujudnya Kluster Baharu " Kluster SPM" seperti yang diwar - warkan di Media Sosial oleh Netizen yang tidak bertanggungjawab.

Presiden NUTP, Aminuddin Awang turut memaklumkan, pihaknya tidak mahu status cemerlang peperiksaan SPM terjejas kerana sijil Peperiksaan tersebut diiktiraf di banyak negara dan ia setaraf dengan Sijil Umum Peperiksaan Menengah (GCSE) di United Kingdom.

" NUTP turut berharap agar peperiksaan SPM dapat diteruskan juga sehingga selesai bagi semua SPM yang sepatutnya menduduki pada tahun 2020 yang lalu bagi proses mereka memasuki fasa kerjaya dan melanjutkan pelajaran ke institut pengajian tinggi berjalan dengan lancar kelak.

" Pelajar SPM yang memasuki umur 18 tahun ini juga sudah mampu berfikir secara matang dan sedar apa - apa yang berlaku akan menjejaskan peluang mereka untuk melanjutkan pelajaran dan menceburi bidang era kerjaya kelak. Mereka senang diurus oleh guru bagi berhadapan dengan  aspek pematuhan SOP wabak COVID -19," seperti yang dimaklumkan selepas pelancaran aplikasi MyNUTP, Ahad lepas.

Pada masa tersebut juga, Aminuddin turut memaklumkan bahawa NUTP juga terus nekad menyokong apa jua keputusan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) sama ada untuk menangguhkan pembukaan sesi persekolahan sekiranya kes COVID -19 terus meningkat dan membimbangkan.

" NUTP yakin dalam proses pembukaan sesi persekolahan pihak Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia akan membuat keputusan berasaskan nasihat daripada Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) berdasarkan analisis risiko semasa.

" Bagi mewakili pihak guru, beliau menyatakan bahawa apa sekalipun tetap bersedia untuk menabur khidmat dan juga amat berharap aspek keselamatan dan juga kesihatan diberikan keutamaan dalam apa - apa hal berkaitan pembukaan sekolah."

Menteri Kanan (Pendidikan), Dr Radzi Jidin pada Sabtu, 20 Februari 2021 melaporkan, KPM perlu menunggu pengumuman oleh Perdana Menteri, Malaysia, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Bin Yassin mengenai tindakan yang akan dilaksanakan kerajaan berhubungnya situasi semasa jangkitan COVID -19.

Dalam pada itu juga, Aminuddin turut memaklumkan kepada media, Aplikasi MyNUTP semestinya memudahkan ribuan ahlinya untuk melaksanakan proses perkhidmatan secara dalam talian dengan lebih mudah dan juga ringkas termasuk berkenaan mendapatkan penyata ahli, maklumat pertukaran tempat bertugas serta tuntutan kebajikan bagi pasangan dan juga anak - anak.

@ Jackie San


Why Digital Technology Is Bad Now ?

Digital Technology has revolutionized almost every aspect of people's lives in recent decades. Office work, shopping, music, movies, television, photography, travel, transport, and long-distance communications are just some areas that have been transformed. In fact it's fair to say that it's become increasingly rare to find any electronic device or large machinery that doesn't incorporate digital technology in some way.

Digital technology often means that devices have generally become much smaller, lighter, faster, and more versatile than they used to be. It also means that huge amounts of information can be stored locally or remotely and moved from place to place include photos, audio, video and other media, rather than just letters and also numbers. The information can be much more easily manipulated, too; photos, music, and movies can be edited, for instance.

However, there are downsides to digital technology, too. Here I am sharing 10 of the Negatives of Digital Technologies.











Now... Gives time to me to explain each downside of digital technology in more detail below.


Digital technology means that vast amounts of data can be collected and stored. This can be private information concerning individuals or organizations. It can be very difficult to keep this data safe. Just a single breach can mean vast amounts of private information going into the hands of criminals, terrorists, business rivals, foreign adversaries, or other malign entities.


The internet is fertile territory for malevolent forces to operate, thanks to its international nature, vast scale, and the relative anonymity that users can enjoy. Examples of this include: terrorists using social media to promote themselves and encourage others; drug dealers using the dark web to trade; pedophiles using chat rooms and other places to groom potential victims, exchange photos, videos and other information; and authoritarian regimes attempting to sway or distort elections in democratic countries.


It's become much harder to have personal privacy in the digital world and that's on top of the dangers of your personal data being stolen or sold. For instance, everybody has the ability to take photos and video footage on their mobile phone, then post it online. Employers can search for people online and maybe find unflattering photographs, or see them expressing controversial opinions in social media or blogs. Digital cameras watch and record our movements in public places. Minor indiscretions can now haunt an individual for life when they're posted on the internet. Controlling your personal information is very difficult and sometimes impossible.


There is an increasing tendency for people to socialize and communicate via digital devices rather than through real-life contact. This can easily lead to a sense of disconnect and isolation. Human beings have evolved over thousands of years to have real contact, so taking that away affects them in all sorts of negative ways that we're only just beginning to understand. Studies have suggested that the lack of real-life contact is causing depression and other forms of mental illness in many people.


Digital media such as photographs, audio, and video are easy to edit, making the manipulation of media widespread. It's not always easy to tell what is real and what is fake anymore. Photographs can be altered using editing tools such as Photoshop. Digital audio and video can be doctored. The issues will only intensify as the technology improves.


It used to be that you had to be physically present at a workplace to do a job, but now many work tasks are performed remotely via the internet. That means a Third World worker in a low wage economy can undercut you and take your job. Increasingly, humans aren't needed at all for many tasks, as computers gradually replace them. Driving and delivery jobs, for instance, will disappear soon as vehicles become automated.


Digital media is remarkably easy to copy and reproduce. Copyright laws are increasingly hard to enforce, as the music and movie industries have discovered to their cost. School kids can copy and paste their homework projects without really learning anything. A culture of "sharing" on social media means that often the original creator of a piece of media is forgotten, as the piece is adapted and claimed by others.


Social media, computer games, messaging, and dating websites can all be addictive. Games want you to play so that you will buy the next version. Websites want you to interact so that they can bring in advertising money. Users end up wasting vast amounts of time and hemorrhaging money for low return.


Digital gadgets typically have a short lifespan and become archaic relatively quickly. As the technology advances at a pace, devices and machines quickly become unusable because they are now seen as too slow, or incompatible with other devices, or they have simply been superseded by newer, better versions. This creates tremendous waste and inefficiency, as older digital devices are discarded when no longer useful. It can also become very expensive for users when you have to upgrade every few years to a new device.


Society continues to become more and more impersonal as digitized machines replace humans. People shop online, do their banking online, pay bills online, and increasingly work online. Transport is also set to become automated, which will ultimately result in taxis and delivery vehicles becoming driver free. Loneliness and a lack of human contact with a flesh and blood person are becoming increasingly common.

@ Jackie San


Kenapa Gout Terjadi & Bagaimana Mencegahnya ?

Kenali Apa Penyakit Gout 

Penyakit gout adalah sejenis penyakit berkaitan sendi yang terjadi akibat kadar asam urat yang terlalu tinggi berada dalam darah manusia (seseorang). Pada keadaan normal pula, kadar asam urat yang larut dalam darah manusia dan akan keluar melalui saluran kencing manusia (urine).  Tetapi kita harus sedar bahawa dalam keadaan tertentu, tubuh juga mampu menghasilkan asam urat dalam jumlah yang berlebihan ataupun akan mengalami gangguan sekiranya terlalu banyak membuang asam urat tersebut, dan akhirnya akan membengkak dalam tubuh badan seseorang.

Uric Acid (bengkak yang terjadi) akhirnya akan membentuk kristal di kawasan sendi, yang menyebabkan kesakitan dan bengkak akan berlaku di pelbagai sendi tubuh badan manusia (seseorang). Walaupun ianya akan timbul di kawasan sendi, ia mungkin akan berlaku seterusnya di kawasan saluran kencing dan juga ginjal. Keadaan tersebut akan menyebabkan fungsi ginjal manusia terganggu dan menyukarkan pembuangan air kencing.

Mari Kenal Apa Itu Asid Urik 

Asid Urik adalah bahan kumuhan yang berasal dari sejenis protein yang dipanggil dan dikenali sebagai Purin. Setiap hari sebenarnya badan kita akan membuang bahan kumuhan melalui saluran air kencing (urin).

Tetapi bagi seseorang yang menghidap gout pula, asid urik yang berlebihan tidak mampu dibuang dan akan berkumpul di dalam sendi mereka. Pada masa dahulu gout boleh menyebabkan kemudaratan dan juga boleh menyebabkan kecacatan. Kini Syukur sekali kerana dengan kemajuan Sains dan Teknologi maka, kemajuan dalam bidang perubatan kita maka, gout boleh kini dikawal.

Kebiasaannya ia sering dihidapi oleh kaum lelaki dalam lingkungan usia antara 30 hingga 60 tahun. Manakala, kaum wanita jarang sekali menghidap gout sebelum putus haid mereka.

Apakah Tanda - Tanda Penyakit Gout ?

  • Gout boleh menyerang sendi-sendi lain seperti buku lali, lutut, pergelangan tangan dan juga jari.
  • Sakit mungkin menyerang kembali selepas berminggu ataupun berbulan.
  • Sakit juga mungkin berlarutan berhari - hari, atau sekurang - kurangnya 1-2 minggu untuk reda jika tidak dirawat.
  • Sendi yang diserang menjadi bisa sehinggakan geseran dengan selimut pun terasa amat menyeksakan.
  • Serangan selalunya berlaku secara tiba - tiba, kerap kali semalaman.
  • Ibu jari kaki menjadi merah, panas, bengkak dan tersangat sakit.
  • Gout lazimnya akan menyerang kawasan ibu jari kaki manusia.

Apakah Kompilasi Penyakit Gout ?

  • Asid urik boleh berkumpul di bawah kulit membentuk benjolan di panggil 'tophi'
  • Dalam saluran urinari (air kencing), ia boleh berkumpul membentuk 'batu karang'.
  • Penghidap gout juga sering menghidapi penyakit atau masalah kesihatan yangn lain seperti:
      > Kegemukan
      > Darah Tinggi
      > Hiperlipidemia
      > Diabetes

Apakah Jenis Rawatan Penyakit Gout ?

Gout adalah suatu penyakit yang boleh sembuh tetapi seseorang itu harus mengambil langkah - langkah untuk mengatasinya dengan sendiri.

1# Rawatan Serangan Akut

  • Rehatkan sendii semasa serangan otot.
  • Memberikan ubat - uabatan anti-radang berkesan untuk mengurangkan sakit dan juga keradangan sendi. Walaupun ia boleh mendatangkan kesan sampingan seperti sakit perut. Tetapi jika digunakan dalam jangka masa yang singkat, kesan sampingan jarang berlaku.
  • Ubatan lain seperti colchicine juga boleh diambil. Walaupun ia amat berkesan, ia boleh menyebabkan loya, muntah dan cirit - birit.
  • Dengan cara memberikan Steroid.
  • Lazimnya cecair steroid disuntik terus ke sendi yang radang (sakit).
  • Pil steroid boleh diambil dalam jangka masa yang pendek jika penghidap tidak boleh mengambil ubat-ubatan yang lain. Walaubagaimanapun, ianya tidak boleh diambil berpanjangan.
  • Sentiasa peka terhadap tanda-tanda awal serangan. Jika rawatan dimulakan awal, penyakit ini tidak akan melarat.

2# Rawatan Jangka Panjang

Oleh kerana gout disebabkan oleh asid urik yang berlebihan dalam badan, seseorang itu haruslah mengelakkan faktor-faktor yan gboleh menambahkan paras asid urik.

  • Dengan menjaga berat badan - kegemukan boleh mengganggu keupayaan badan untuk mengeluarkan asid urik yang berlebihan.
  • Mengelakkan minuman keras.
  • Pemakanan - elakkan pengambilan makanan yang mengandungi purin yang tinggi.
  • Sesetengah daging binatang, makanan laut, kekacang yang mengandungi purin yang tinggi.

Bagaimana Faktor Pemakanan Terlibat Dengan Penyakit Gout ?

Di sini dikongsikan senarai makanan yang kaya dengan kandungan Purin agar penyakit gout boleh dihindari :

Elakkan Makanan Seperti

  • Organ dalaman haiwan seperti - hati, paru - paru, ginjal dan otak.
  • Ikan bilis, kembung dan juga sardin
  • Daging cincang
  • Ekstrak daging, ragi (seperti Marmite) dan kiub rebusan daging
  • Makanan bercengkerang seperti kerang, ketam dan udang.

Jom Kurangkan Makanan Seperti 

  • Asparagus, bunga kobis, cendawan dan juga bayam
  • Peanuts, lentil, beans dan peas
  • Poultry
  • Roti jagung dan juga bijirin

Bagaimana Mencegah Penyakit Gout ?

  • Ubah cara hidup kita bagi memastikan paras asid urik dalam keadaan normal.
  • Amalkan cara hidup sihat bagi mengelak dari menghidap penyakit-penyakit berhubungkait dengan gout.
  • Apabila mengambil allopurinol, ianya perlu diambil secara berterusan.
  • Jangan mengubah ataupun menghentikan dos allopurinol semasa serangan gout.
  • Minum banyak air (mineral).

Benarkah Di Dunia Ini Ada Vitamin Semulajadi Boleh Merawat Penyakit Gout ?

Selain daripada ubat - ubatan, seseorang itu boleh mencuba perubatan alternatif bagi mencegah penyakit gout daripada berulang.

Tetapi kita harus ingat bahawa, sebenarnya vitamin bukanlah ubat. Ia lebih kepada untuk pencegahan sahaja dan bukannya untuk mengubati. Ramai yang selalu beranggapan bahawa supplemen ataupun pengambilan vitamin adalah ubat dan akan sembuh segera. Bukan begitu.

Supplemen ini lebih kepada pencegahan sebelum seseorang itu diserang gout ataupun jika mereka pernah diserang gout, dengan mengambilan supplemen secara konsisten akan membantu menghalang gout dari kembali menyerang dan bukannya menghentikan terus penyakit ini.

@ Jackie San

Viral " Mata Akhir "


VIRAL "Pertandingan Volleyball DOA Limbang Awesome "



Apakah Kecederaan Sukan Yang Sering Berlaku Kepada Atlit ?

Kecerderaan Sukan Yang Sering Berlaku Jika Tersilap Langkah Kepada Seorang Atlit Adalah 'Strains' & 'Sprains'

Apakah itu 'Sprains' dan 'Strains' dalam yang sering atlit hadapi dan mencederaakn. Tapi adakah kita ketahui apa maksud istilah 'Sprains' & 'Strains' sebenarnya ?

'Sprains' Bermaksud : Kecederaan yang berlaku pada ligament, iaitu tisu yang menyambung bahagian tulang dan juga akan membentuk sendi.

   - Ligament yang regang melebihi limitnya boleh menyebabkan tisu       ligament seseorang berubah bentuknya atau boleh terkoyak.

'Strains' Bermaksud : Ianya melibatkan tisu otot ataupun bahagian tendon.

   - Otot yang regang melebihi julat pergerakannya ataupun terlebih       guna (overuse) dan ianya boleh menyebabkan fiber otot ataupun       tendon seseorang terkoyak.

Apakah Langkah Yang Boleh Mencegah Berlakunya Kecederaan Ketika Bersukan ?

Kecederaan ketika seseorang bersukan kadang kala diluar kawalan kita amnya.

Ianya boleh berlaku tanpa diduga. Setiap senaman yang kita lakukan perlu dimulakan dengan aktiviti memanaskan badan. Tidak perlu senaman yang keras tetapi lakukan lah aktiviti pemanasan badan yang ringkas dari bahagian kepala hinggalah ke bahagian kaki. 

Keutamaan pemanasan badan bagi mengelakkan kecederaan pada otot badan adalah lebih baik daripada terkena kelak. Ia akan memudaratkan seseorang bukan seminggu tetapi kemungkinan bertahun lamanya seseorang itu mengalami kesakitan dan akhirnya tidak boleh bersukan lagi.

Apabila melakukan aktiviti pemanasan badan bukan saja boleh membantu meningkatkan pengaliran darah ke bahagian otot - otot badan kita bahkan ianya boleh membantu menjadikan otot - otot kita lebih fleksibel dan juga akhirnya serta paling penting mengurangkan risiko kecederaan otot badan.

Selain itu, kecederaan yang disebabkan penggunaan berlebihan (overuse injuries) juga semestinya dapat dielakkan.

Jika kita sudah lama berhenti melakukan apa - apa sukan ataupun baru berjinak - jinak untuk melakukan sesuatu sukan baru, kita boleh melakukan latihan awal ataupun persiapa awal bagi membenarkan kumpulan otot badan yang terlibat bersedia sebelum memulakan sukan tersebut.

Jika kita mula merasa letih ketika melakukan senaman, berhentilah seketika dengan senaman tersebut. Hal ini disebabkan kemungkinan otot badan keletihan dan ianya boleh meningkatkan risiko untuk otot badan tercedera. Berehatlah sebentar selepas melakukan sesuatu senaman.

Apakah Langkah Yang Boleh Merawat Jika Cedera Ketika Bersukan ?

Kecederaan sukan yang ringan ataupun sederhana, selalunya akan berlaku sedikit kerosakan pada struktur tisu yang terlibat dan ia dapat juga dirawat dengan menggunakan protokol PRICE.

Apakah Kecederaan Yang Sering Berlaku Ketika Bersukan ?

1#Ankle Sprain

a. Ankle Sprain - Adalah keadaan yang sering berlaku apabila kaki                               terseliuh.

"Apabila kaki terseliuh, ligament di kawasan luar sendi buku lali akan meregang & ia mungkin terkoyak."

b. Ankle Sprain - Adalah kecederaan yang serign berulang di                                      kalangan ahli sukan.

"Penting untuk kita melakukan senaman bagi memanaskan badan serta yang lebih penting bagi menguatkan sendi buku lali supaya ia tidak hilang fleksibiliti dan juga kekuatan."

" Kita juga boleh mendapatkan nasihat ahi fisioterapi bagi membantu melakukan senaman yang bersesuaian."

2# Hamstring Strain

Hamstring Strain - Adalah keadaan di mana terjadinya pada otot belakang bahagian paha seseorang terlebih regang.

" Otot ini mengambil masa lebih kurang 6 - 12 bulan untuk sembuh seperti sedia kala. Kecederaan semula pada otot ini biasa terjadi jika tersilap langkah.

3# Groin Pull

Groin Pull - Keadaan yang terjadi apabila kita banyak melakukan pergerakan yang memerlukan untuk bergerak ke kiri dan juga ke kanan seperti sukan bola sepak, hockey dan juga baseball. Sukan ini amnya banyak menggunakan otot badan kita dan juga bahagian dalam paha.

" Seseorang boleh meletakkan ais dan juga merehatkan kawasan yang mengalami kecederaan. Sekiranya rehat tidak mencukupi dan segera melakukan kembali sukan tersebut akan mengakibatkan kesan jangka masa panjang.

4# Shin Splints

Shin Splint - Adalah keadaan di mana seseorang merasa sakit pada bahagian tulang kering.

" Ia sering terjadi jika seseorang pelari jarak jauh."

"Rehat, ais dan juga pengambilan ubat tahan sakit boleh membantu dengan cepat merawat kesakitan akibat Shin Splint."

" Sekiranya perlu segeralah untuk mendapatkan rawatan doktor jika rasa sakit pada bahagian tulang kering berterusan walaupun seseorang pesakit dalam keadaan rehat."

5# Kecederaan Lutut : ACL Koyak

Ligament ACL - Adalah keadaan di mana seseorang itu memegang tulang lutut supaya kekal stabil. Pergerakan yang tiba - tiab dan juga berhenti secara tiba - tiba boleh menyebabkan tisu ini meregang ataupun keadaan yang lebih buruk terkoyak.

" Jika kita mendengan bunyi "pop" ligament kemungkinan terkoyak sepenuhnya."

" Kecederaan ACL yang teruk selalunya memerlukan prosedur pembedahan jika kita masih mahu aktif dan meneruskan aktiviti bersukan."

"Selepas pembedahan dilakukan, kita perlu mendapatkan rehabilitasi daripada ahli fisioterapi sebelum meneruskan ataupun kembali aktif bersukan." Ini adalah jalan terbaik.

6# Kecederaan Lutut : Patellofemoral Syndrome

Patellafemoral Syndrome - Boleh berlaku hasil daripada pergerakan berulang antara tulang lutut dan juga tulang paha kita.

" Apabila tulang ini bergesel antara satu sama lain tisu di bawah tulang lutut kita akan rosak dan boleh menyebabkan lutut menjadi sakit."

" Masalah patellafemoral syndrome boleh mengambil masa sepanjang 6 minggu untuk sembuh sepenuhnya."

" Penting untuk kita melakukan senaman berintensiti rendah dalam waktu ini."

" Banyak lakukan senaman menggunakan otot paha supaya ianya membantu mengurangkan sakit lutut.

7# Tennis Elbow (Epicondylitis)

Tennis Elbow - Adalah keadaan yang berlaku diakibatkan oleh penggunaan berulang sendi siku. Sebagai contoh sukan yang menggunakan raket seperti squash, tenis dan juga badminton.

" Sukan ini semestinya memerlukan pergerakan berulang dan juga boleh menyebabkan tendon siku seseorang iritasi dan juga koyak."

"Rawatan terbaik adalah merehatkan siku daripada melakukan aktiviti yang boleh meningkatkan iritasinya."

" Sejujurnya lebih baik untuk mendapatkan bantuan daripada ahli fisoterapi bagi mengurangkan rasa sakit siku dan juga menguatkan otot sekitarnya."

Apakah Itu PRICE ?

PRICE - Adalah protokol yang biasanya digunakan bagi merawat kecederaan bersukan.

" Bengkak merupakan tindak balas normal apabila berlaku sesuatu kecederaan."

" Bengkak yang berlebihan boleh menggangu pergerakan dan juga proses penyembuhan."

" Protokol PRICE boleh membantu bagi mengurangkan bengkak dan juga mempercepatkan proses penyembuhan."

P - 'Protect' atau lindungi daripada kecederaan. Jika mengalami              kecederaan yang teruk, lindungi kawasan yang                                  cedera dengan  splint, pad ataupun tongkat (crutches).

R - 'Restrict Activity' atau kurangkan aktiviti yang boleh menambah          kecederaan pada kecederaan yang ada.

I - 'Ice'. Letak ais pada kawasan yang tercedera. Ais boleh bertindak       sebagai anti keradangan. Gunakan teknik ini selama 20 minit             setiap satu atau dua jam dalam 48 jam pertama selepas                     kecederaan. Jangan gunakan minyak atau krim panas pada               waktu ini kerana ia akan menggalakkan proses keradangan dan          juga bengkak.

C - ' Compression'. Gunakan 'bandage' dan juga balutkan pada                kawasan yang cedera bagi mengurangkan bengkak.

E - ' Elevate ' atau tinggikan kawasan yang tercedera. Kawasan               yang cedera perlu ditinggikan melebihi paras jantung bagi                 mengurangkan bengkak.

Ubat tahan sakit selalunya dapat mengurangkan rasa sakit bagi kecederaan sukan yang biasa sahaja. Jika ia tidak berhasil, mungkin seseorang pesakit perlu berjumpa dengan doktor atau pakar.

Perlu diingat bahawa keperluan mendapatkan rawatan doktor atau pakar jika kecederaan yang serius seperti:

a. Perubahan bentuk pada struktur sendi atau pada tulang yang terlibat.

b. Seseorang pesakit tidak dapat menampung berat badan atau menggunakan anggota badan yang cedera seperti biasa.

c. Bengkak yang berlebihan.

d. Perubahan pada warna kulit bahagian sakit.

e. Ia tidak bertambah baik selepas menggunakan protokol PRICE selepas beberapa hari.

@ Jackie San

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