
Why Good Friday Is Important ?



Good Friday, The Friday before Easter, the day on which Christians annually observe the commemoration of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. From the early days of Christianity, Good Friday was observed as a day of sorrow, penance, and fasting, a characteristic that finds expression in the German word Karfreitag. ( " Sorrowful Friday " ).




Following the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), the mainstream of Christian tradition has held that Jesus' last meal with his disciples on the evening before his Crucifixion was a Passover seder. That would place the date on which Jesus died on 15 Nisan of the Jewish calender, or on the first day (starting at sundown) of Passover. According to the Gregorian (Western) calender, that date would be April 07. (The Gospel According to John, in contrast, holds that Passover had not yet begun when Jesus' final meal was held, which would place the date of Jesus' death on 14 Nisan.)

Christians, however, do not commemorate that fixed date. Instead, they follow the apparently flexible date of the Passover - which conforms to the Jewish lunisolar calendar rather than the Gregorian solar calendar - by relating the Last Supper to the seder. Although that assumption is problematic, the dating of both Good Friday and Easter has proceeded on that basis. Thus, Good Friday falls between March 20, the first possible date for Passover, and April 23, with Easter falling two days later. 


For Christians, Good Friday is a crucial day of the year because it celebrates what we believe to be the momentous weekend in the history of the world. Ever since Jesus died and was raised, Christians have proclaimed the cross and resurrection of Jesus to be the decisive turning point for all creation.


Good Friday marks the day Jesus was crucified on the cross. From flying a kite to abstaining from booze, here's the scoop on this religious holiday.

1 # It Doesn't Seem Very Good

The earliest known use of "Guode Friday" is found in The South English Legendary, a text from around 1290 reports BBC News. But it seems contradictory to call a day that is about death "good". The thing is, despite Good Friday representing the anniversary of Jesus's death, it's also about the triumph of his rising again. Christianity.com explains it in this way:.." the name Good Friday is entirely appropriate because the suffering and death of Jesus, as terrible appropriate because the suffering and death of Jesus, as terrible as it way, marked the dramatic culmination of God's plan to save this people from their sins." Good Friday is one of the main things people who celebrate Easter all acknowledge, but other countries actually celebrate the holiday differently.


2 # It's An Unofficial Holiday

Various institutions around the U.S. including schools and banks may shut down on Good Friday, but according to The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, there are only 12 states that consider it an official holiday: Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Lousiana, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Texas, and Tennessee.

3 # Some Take It A Little Too Far

Although it is condemned by the Church, Mic.com reports there are people who, in an act of faith, nail themselves to a cross to re-enact the Crucifixion.

4 # The First Good Friday

It's celebrated in the spring, but what is the exact date for Good Friday ? You'd have to go back a few thousand years to figure it out, and that's exactly what authors Andreas Kostenberger and Justin Taylor did, reports The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission using historical data starting with Tiberius's reign in A.D.14. The authors determined in their book, The Final Days of Jesus: The Most Important Week of the Most Important Person Who Ever Lived, that the date of the first Good Friday was Friday, April 3.

5 # Church Bells Toll 33 Times

There are many various traditions and rituals that surround Good Friday from all over the world. Some include a life-sized cross placed at the center of the altar in church that parishioners can then touch, reports India Today. Then there are some church services that conclude with a bell tolling 33 times in succession to represent each year of Jesus's life. Other Easter traditions are less-based in religion like these 9 Easter Traditions Based In Myths and Legends.

6 # Go Fly A Kite

Bermuda is known for its pastel houses and pink beaches, and it's also known for a custom that dates back to the 19th century: flying a kite on Good Friday. Why? Perhaps besides having a lovely beach to fly it on, a kite is flown to symbolize the cross that Jesus died on and his ascension into heaven, according to Timeanddate.com.

7 # Dancing Is Outlawed In Some Places

In Germany, the day is referred to as Sourowful Friday, which reflects on the sadness of Jesus's death. In fact, even dancing is frowned upon in Germany on that day.

8 # A Parade In Ecuador

In the historic district of Quito, Ecuador, there are men, called cucuruchos, that dress up in purple robes and pointed masked headdresses and walk in a special procession on Good Friday, explains theculturetrip.com. They are joined by other Ecuadorians who dress up like Christ and lug about a heavy wooden cross to partake in the Procession of the Penitents. The event draws about 250,000 people to each year. Parades are popular ways people celebrate Easter around the world. People also celebrate bunnies during this time too, here's why they're so popular around Easter.

9 # Good Wednesday Instead

Not everyone celebrates Good Friday on a Friday, says lasvegasnow.com. Rather than the more traditional Friday observance, Wednesday becomes the "good" day for many Baptist and non-Protestant Churches. They use the date of the Jewish sacrifice of the Passover Lamb as their observance of the crucifixion.

10 # No Pint For You

A pub in Ireland isn't hard to find, but a pint on Good Friday might be. Alcohol is mostly missing from Irish routines on this one day. However, if you really need to get your drink on, Irelandplanner.com reveals that you could head out to the train station, airports, or ferry ports. Heads up: You might have to show your trip ticket in order to get that pint.

11 # Eggs Are Not Just About Easter

The legend in Ireland is that if you collect eggs laid on Good Friday, they'll never rot. Some hold on to eggs for decades just to prove the myth, shares Irelandplanner.com. Another Irish tradition that isn't as risky is to eat in an egg on Easter Sunday that was laid on Good Friday. Supposedly, you'll reap health benefits all year long. Here's why eggs are associated with Easter in the first place.

12 # Time To Fast

Many Christians fast or abstain from eating any type of meat on the day. Others are slightly more lenient, indulging in one full meal and two smaller ones. Once fasting is over, celebrate with an Easter feast using these 15 simple recipes.

@ Jackie San

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  1. https://www.jacknjillscute.com/2021/04/why-good-friday-is-important.html


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